“When A Virus Attacks Our Human-Race“

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group

None  could see , none realized , what  our race perceived ?

Which  simply came  riding our fellow  citizens , to live in us .

From  where it  came ? where  to go ? what duty  it received ?

Shattered is  the World , chaotic brains , thinking random fuss .

None  of the numerous eyes  on the Earth , could even see ,

Receptors  of sense remained unaware of  it’s nasty arrival .

So  small  in size that skin could  not feel or give any plea ,

Nose , Ears or  tongue could not feel  it , to ensure our survival . 

It  made  it’s way  into The Human Race , who  remained unaware,

Of  it’s  intrusion in  the life’s of  a large number of  such ignorants .

People came  to know only when many of us died here and  there ,

Then  started  all possible treatments along with rumors and chants . 

People  in general remained unaware of exact illness and treatment ,

Though well taken care ,  a pain penetrated in humanity , at large . 

An undesired  chaos intended to persist in the mankind and  intent ,

Uninformed remained many from  this impediment’s calamitic barge .  

Persons  started falling ill of a miraculous darkness in world’s  lights,

None  could search even a  clue to ensure our survival against  it .

Parts  of Earth started  perceiving our defeat  in it’s every such fight.

Many  deaths are deemed to  cause concern , unrest even panic a bit .

Most  of the living area  on Earth , appears badly infected  by this Virus ,

Resulting  into mass Quarantines , Isolations , Lock Downs like Restrictions .

We , The  United Mankind , are sure to win this fierce fight against various ,

Following  set rules , observing self control  and Government Instructions .

We  are determined battling to win over “ Deadly Corona Virus “  

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