By: Dr. Nosheen Ali ( Bureau Chief-ICN Madhya Pradesh )
BHOPAL: Women Life Start with a ‘’Little Girl’’ A girl is a female child, Second Phase; –Start after Marriage and Third Phase; – Start when Menopause occurs.
Third Phase; – Menopause; – defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 months. It is the time in a woman’s life when the function of the ovaries ceases.
Menopause is the process through which a woman ceases to be fertile or menstruate. It is a normal part of life and is not considered a disease or a condition.
- The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. This so-called premenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman.
- The average age of menopause is 51 years old, but menopause may occur as early as the 30s or as late as the 60s
- Symptoms of menopause can include abnormal vaginal bleeding, hot flashes, vaginal and urinary symptoms, and mood changes.
- Complications that women may develop after menopause include osteoporosis and heart disease.
The three hormones of particular relevance at menopause are estrogen, progesterone, and Testosterone.
Menopausal symptoms are created by changes in the levels of these hormones.
Menopause Management; – Hot flush breathing technique
Practice this breathing technique every morning and every evening for 10 minutes. You need to find a quiet, private place where you can sit without distraction:
- Keep your rib cage still
- Use your stomach muscles to breathe air in and then out through your nose
- Inhale slowly to the count of 5 seconds
- Exhale for 5 seconds
Sleeping well
The earlier you make sure these foods are staples in your menopause diet, the easier menopause and the years beyond may be.
- Water. …
- Calcium. …
- Vitamin D. getting enough vitamin D is also critical for protecting your bones during menopause. …
- Fruits and vegetables. …
- Whole grains. …
- Iron. …
- Soya.