Society and Health of Youth

By: Alok Singh ( Associate Editor-ICN Group )

NAINITAL: Individual, being the central point of the society has some responsibility to keep society healthy- morally, socially and politically. It is nonetheless equally important that the socicty socialises the individual in such a way that it becomes an asset to society for social, economic and political development of the nation.

In other words, when society has expectations that the individual is morally bound to give in return; society so a responsibility to give to the individual for its overall development moral, physical and mental, Youth that forms a very important segment of population compared to children and adults ahs a great potential to contribute to the social, economic and political development of the country. But, it is important to see that their energy is channelised in a direction that would lead youth to play a constructive and committed role.

Realising the potential of youth, the government and people of India in general launched a number of programmes for the development of youths as a signatory to the international Youth Year- 1985 A manner in which the young is socialised depends upon the characteristics of the society.

Development of the youth, his status, aspirations and opportunities are determined by the society in which he/she lives. Thus cultural norms, customs, values, forces of industrial, urban, economic and political development; natural calamities and manmade conflicts etc. are some of the contributory factors in shaping the life style of youth.

Numerous studies conducted world over show inter-relations between these factors and the health of the individual. As observed, the crux of the health problems in India is population growth.

The mental and physical health of an adolescent is affected by varied factors, which primarily include lack of proper education, nutrition, and affection of working parents. The health of youth is further affected when adolescents reach physical maturity and struggle for employment, healthy family and proper education of his children being. Thus the society plays a crucial role in determining physical, mental and moral
health of adolescents and youth.

Increased competition in the spheres of employment is another factor that has brought stress upon the youth. In the world of more complex technological development, which demand more education and adequate training to achieve economic independence; the youth has to struggle but with no assurance whether or not his efforts would bear fruits. He is always trapped between ever growing sense of maturity and lengthening of economic dependence. Unlike rural traditional society, in modern affluent society support for education and necessary training is available for a longer period, which prepares them to assume economic independence.

What is evident in the country is that economic necessity has weakened the authority of the traditional social support in rural areas, and at the same time attracted a large number of young people to urban areas where skills arc at a premium but support for training is in short supply. The young person who is already under a natural stress caused by transitional society is likely to get frustrated.

Therefore, a Program like Skill india can be quite helpful, provided it is equally supported by employment opportunity or Financial Support for Entrepreneurship .

Government’s will for such support is evident from various schemes like Mudra Yojna, Startup India etc. but, again despite various assurance of ease in loaning from Banks doesn’t seem to be in Sync to the directives laid down by Government.

Until then the issue highlighted shall remain to haunt us every hour and every minute similar to sitting on a time bomb with no way to diffuse.

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