By: Pragya Singh (Asstt. Editor-ICN GROUP)
NEW DELHI: Social media is playing a very important role in modern era of Information Technology and about 2/3rd of Indians spend their time on different social media networking sites. WhatsApp, Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram are very important, not only for exchanging information but a great way for interacting, live chat, video sharing etc.
MNC’s are gathering information about job profile, experience, expertise, interest and offering suitable jobs accordingly, at the same time political parties and politicians have also brought social media into the lime light. Digital army uses both volunteers and paid employees to put out communal rumors, hate tweets and slander. Naturally the truth of this claim is being hotly contested.
There are negative aspects of social media because huge information is available on social media platforms are without any verification. Individual and groups keep spinning lies until they established it as truth.
Social media sometimes used as tool of hate, spread revenge messages and communal reactions and building images for particular groups, political parties or politicians.
It is expected that social media will play an important role in coming five state assembly elections and social media can be a game changer as political leaders having millions of fans on social media platforms.
In another story a war words is going on between US intelligence and Russian government. The American intelligence agencies informed president elect Donald Trump that Russian president Vladimir Putin had directed a cyber attack aimed to influence the US election processes. President elect Donald Trump promised some action to combat cyber attacks soon after taking office.
So before being influenced by the information available on social media, one needs to be very careful and information needs to be authenticated. Government should take steps to check that no information should be available on social platforms without verification.