By: Akhilesh Dhar
Sometime you need confrontation in order to come up with a solution, “Donald Trump once quipped”. Similarly, India should come up with abiding formula to end the harsh illegal meretricious settlement of Rohingya community. Basically Rohingya’s are the ancestral group of Bengali origin and enunciate a Chittagong dialect. Most of them were vigorously settled in Burma by British management in an attempt to grapple the hegemony of ‘Arakan’ today known as the ‘Rakhine’ state in Myanmar.
Myanmar has a long history of communal mistrust between the Buddhist majority and Rohingya Muslims. The first and most horrible incident began in June 2012 when clashes between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims, left 200 dead and dislocate many. It was the rape and murder of a young Buddhist women which initiate off that ghostly chain of events. In March 2013 an argument in a gold shop in Central Myanmar led to violence between Buddhists and Muslims which left more than 40 people dead. Rohingya’s claim themselves that they are indigenous to the western Myanmar state of Rakhine while the Burmese native claim that they relocated to Burma from Bengal. The community propagated in large number within a short period of time without any family arrangement and consideration to the limited resources which created discord between the majority Buddhist and the Rohingya.The Christian and Hindu community also integrating fruitfully with the majority Buddhist.
According to “The Hindu Net Desk”, Myanmar considers them as persons who migrated to their land during the Colonial rule. So, it has not granted Rohingya’s full citizenship. According to the 1982 Burmese citizenship law, a Rohingya is eligible for citizenship only if he/she provides proof that his/her ancestors have lived in the country prior to 1823. Else they are classified as “resident foreigners” or as “associate citizens”. They have formed a terrorist insurgent group known as Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army(ARSA), which operates in Rakhine state. This radicalised group killed more than 20 Police officers and members of the security forces.
Myanmar’s Anti-Terrorism Central Committee declared ARSA a terrorist group on 25th of August 2017 in accordance with the country’s counter-terrorism law. The Burmese government has alleged that this group is involved with foreign Islamists and even kindred with Lashkar-e-taiba and Pakistani ISI. So, Allowing foxhole to such ghastly and fanatic people in our country will serve tribulation in near future.
Now-a-days, many writers are showing their empathy towards the terror based insurgent group by illustrating famous lines like “No one leave home, unless home is the mouth of shark.” Let me clear one thing don’t make this gorgeous poem look dirty and second is that those writer should rinse their tear-stained empathy clothes and throw their brotherhood for the most violent group out of the window.
Recent Economic Times report suggest that India is on track to become the world’s most populous nation by 2022. At the end of next decade, in 2030, India is projected to have 1.5 billion people, a figure which will transcend 1.7 billion by 2050. So, In these abiding condition how can India provide asylum to outsiders that too a radicalised group, which administrating and managing a terror based insurgent group ARSA. However, Migrants like Tibetan Buddhist, Bangladeshi refugees of 1971 war and Srilankan tamil refugees also contributes to our population. Hence its unambiguous that India can’t afford to settle more refugees that will further aggravate the plight of our resources.
We all know of a case analogous to Rohingya’s illegally settled in Jammu crosses all their limitation and attacked the people of true media who were raising concerns about Rohingya’s. It looked like a master-planned strategy by terrorists and some sorrowful lobby to change the demography of Jammu region just like how they did in Kashmir in early 90s. These averse condition remind me the statement of George Bush when he quipped that India lived in a very dangerous neighbourhood.
I know of a Xenophobic and puerile law which exist in the Indian state of J&K. The law prevents any Indian citizen owning property there. The refugees which entered there in 1977 such as Mirpuri Sikhs don’t have state subjects yet thirty thousand Rohingya’s have been permitted to settle in and around Jammu city. Even some of then have Aadhar card also. This is a conspiracy to annihilate the demographic persona of a nation. If we can’t settle Kashmiri Pandits back into the valley then how thirty thousand Muslim Rohingya’s ended up settled in Jammu.
Many of Rohingya’s have been found gratify in criminal activities ranging from small petty crimes to very serious crimes. The fact of the matter is that any refugee found indulged in such activities should be treated with utmost sincerity and ability is totally obnoxious. At the same time, It’s next to impossible to vet all Rohingya’s immigrants. Our security forces and agencies are already overloaded with gigantic amount of work. So, If they are given this additional responsibility to screen and analyse Rohingya then it will be averse compromise with our national reliability and security. At last we cannot afford anymore refugees in our country in order to endure progress in this developing country. We have responsibility of the welfare and well being of Indian people.
Akhilesh Dhar is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from DY Patil International University. He is keenly interested in Indian Politics and foreign affairs with an interest in conflict based reportage.