By: Dr. Ameya Tripathi ( Special Correspondent-ICN Group)
LUCKNOW: Everything around us these days seems to be in instant and constant connectedness. People are living multiple lives both in reality as well as in virtual space. It won’t be too much to say that today people live distracted lives, especially the younger generation.
With the advent and widespread use of smart gadgets and internet, one must realize that progress brings with it a huge responsibility to handle the adverse effects effectively and wisely. As per WHO data, 56675969 people in India suffer from depression as of 2015. This is almost around 5 percent of our total population.
Around 43% of corporate employees in India suffer from depression according to ASSOCHAM. As alarming as this number might seem to be, the truth remains that these are just the reported cases. There might be millions of others who are suffering in silence. Mental health issues are still a taboo in Indian society despite such high prevalence. It is a matter of mindset, and people are becoming more aware of the deteriorating condition of our minds.
Another grave area of concern is depression and suicidal tendency among children and teenagers. The world seems to be moving too fast. There is competition everywhere and people seem to be constantly under pressure to perform and please. As part of a society, it is the duty of all stakeholders to prevent, identify and help our younger generation to tide over their insecurities and grow into confident and resilient individuals.
Learning starts from home. Children must be encouraged to communicate and confide in their parents without fear of being neglected or blamed. This trust is crucial to protect kids from the evils like sexual abuse and bullying. Children’s psychology gets molded during the early formative years of their lives. Hence, it is very important to ensure they observe and experience a balanced approach to various life situations, both good and bad.
Teachers and parents are the earliest role-models that bear massive influence on kids’ psyche. Hence, walking the talk is the foundation to ensure solid imprints in children’s minds. Personality and values are like the filters through which a person perceives and responds to stimuli from the environment. Several researchers have stated that social influences from family, school and peers (nowadays even media!) determine to a large extent how children’s personality and values would be shaped.
As a child grows, it becomes tougher to bring about changes in his/ her thinking and perception. Teenage is a complex age both emotionally and biologically. While the hormones run amok, the psyche gets torn between childhood carelessness on one hand and the anxiety of being a grown-up on the other hand. Feelings of sadness and irritation are common in this age group.
But in many cases, these feelings of helplessness keep growing stronger until the child can no longer handle them. This is where the depression spreads its cruel fangs, sometimes snatching away the lives of confused and troubled kids. We so frequently hear of such sad news after board exams or other competitive exams, ragging in colleges, bullying on social media, the sinister ‘Blue whale game’, heart breaks and so on.
Information about psychological concerns among kids and young adults can be found easily in various social platforms both online and offline. But, what is more important is to equip kids with coping skills rather than just showing concern for their condition. Some of the things that can make a remarkable improvement in children’s outlook toward themselves and their world are: self-regulation and self-confidence.
A child that learns to live a relatively disciplined life can reap immense benefits in future studies and work-life. A set time to sleep and wake up, prioritizing homework over other distractions like TV and social networks, leading an active lifestyle with lots of outdoor activities and also household chores can instill a sense of contribution and empathy for others.
Children should be made to realize that their worth is not determined just by their marks or their success. Attempting things without fearing the result is something that will make them less anxious about the outcomes. After all, life is uncertain, so why should we burden our kids with worries of result. Failures are the stepping stones for success, the treasure-chest of experiences. Each individual is unique.
Parents must value and strengthen the positive aspects in their children, and completely refrain from comparing them with other kids. Teachers should be mindful of the fact that positive reinforcement helps children learn best. So, let them take responsibility by involving them in decision making and goal-setting. A child that learns to be independent from an early age grows up to be a responsible member of society later in life.