Prevention Is Always Better Than Cure

By: Dr Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN

LUCKNOW: Healthy teeth help people to enjoy a variety of foods, whether they are hard, soft, sticky or crispy. Besides chewing, teeth also plays important role in speech. But unfortunately, the tooth is among the most neglected structure among the human body. The dentition plays a important role in defining the features of the face and hence it plays a crucial role in persons facial appearance.

The mouth houses a very complex ecosystem of various species of organisms. Some of these species are very useful while others are harmful. In healthy individuals, there exists a balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms in the mouth. Diseases occur when there is an imbalance between these beneficial and harmful microorganisms.

The most common diseases occurring in the oral cavity are dental caries and periodontitis. Both these diseases are caused by specific groups of organisms.

Dental caries occur when bacteria feed on the food particles that are stuck in the tooth crevices. The bacteria produce acids that demineralize the tooth surface. A high sugar diet usually increases the incidence of caries. Food particles sticking to the tooth crevices become foci where cariogenic bacteria colonize. In the initial stage, caries can be treated by simple restoration. However if untreated, it may eventually require more aggressive and extensive procedures like Root canal treatment or extraction.

Periodontal disease affects the gums and supporting structures of the tooth by destroying the periodontal tissues that hold the teeth in place. This causes the teeth to become mobile and eventually fall out of the socket. Dental plaque which is formed by colonies of bacteria, is resistant to antimicrobial agents and mechanical brushing. Management of periodontal disease usually requires surgical intervention. Teeth with poor prognosis are usually considered for extraction.

Both of these diseases are preventable. Both of them occur when microorganisms colonize the tooth crevices or surface. Preventing them from doing so is the key to preventing the occurrence of these diseases.

Most people consider visiting a dentist only when they feel something is wrong with their teeth. Visiting a dentist even when you do not have a problem is as important as getting a full body check up done. It not only help you to diagnose the potential threats early, but also helps you to stay healthy for long. Sometimes preventive measures can be carried out during regular dental visits. Deep fissures, on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth can be filled with sealants so that food will not stuck into the crevices.

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to inculcate good oral hygiene practices in children. This can be possible only if the parents or guardians practice these habits themselves. Remember, Prevention is better than cure.

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