By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Editor-ICN Group

SHIMLA: Heritage of Shimla needed to be preserved  the future generations so that they feel pride for being Shimlites.  This was stated by Dr. Arun Sharma, Secretary (Education) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, in the keynote address he delivered at the One-Day Conference on ‘Preserving Heritage of Shimla’ organized by Happy Hikers Shimla, here today.   He said that every city had its own charm and Shimla happened to be one of the historical cities which had a glorious past of being pedestrian and car free town since its inception.

Dr. Sharma expressed deep concern over the un-planned and haphazard constructions taking place all around the town and the increasing number of vehicles which were responsible for loosing the charm of the town.  He said that pedestrians had first right to walk on the roads and Shimlites loved to move around freely in the pristine pollution free environment.  He said that heritage was not limited to monumental infrastructures but also included environment, traditions and customs which all needed to be preserved.   He also suggested limitation of vehicle sizes entering the town so that roads were not choked.

B.D.Sharma, former Director of Information and Public Relations, presided over the function and said that it was the duty of every citizen of Shimla town to contribute pro-actively towards preservation of rich heritage.  He said that natural flora and fauna were at the verge of extinction due to the ecological degradation and increase in construction activities.  He said that preserving the town had to be a people’s movement and should not need any legal binding.  He  said that in no case should heritage of the town be permitted to be disturbed.  He laid stress upon strict town planning rules for implementation.

Ms. Pratibha Chauhan, State Head of The Tribune expressed concern over the shrinking car free area which stretched from one end to the other end of the town during British regime.  She recalled her childhood days experience and compared the same with present suffocating environmental conditions.  She said that self-discipline was the best remedy to preserve the rich heritage of the town besides putting full stop to the concrete jungle growth.

Ms. Archna Phull, State Head of The Statesman, said that present generations of the Britishers who stayed in Shimla during British regime were dismayed over the degradation of the heritage conditions of the town which they had been listening from their forefathers.  She said that unless remedial steps were not taken in time the situation could worsen in coming years.  To ease the road choking conditions she suggested pooled vehicles for the officers authorized with attached vehicles while going to office or moving around the town.

Sumit Raj Vashisht, a renowned travelogue writer delved upon the historical aspect of the town and compared the same with present conditions.  He said that essential services were falling short to the growing population and expansion of the town in an un-planned manner.

Prof. Meenakshi Faith Paul, Principal, HPU Centre for Evening Studies also expressed her concern over the growth in concrete jungle and emission of green house gases which had been affecting the living conditions of Shimlites.

Om Sharma, President, Happy Hikers, welcomed the Chief Guest and other dignitaries and said that the organization was committed to sensitize people about their rich heritage and motivate them to join the movement to regain the faded glory of the town.  He said that Shimla had to be brought back to its original form and attain its unique identity of historical town.

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