Music of Lord Krishna-I

Photo used for indicative purpose only. Source Internet

By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Editor ICN Group

SHIMLA : Like previous years the Festivities of Janamashtmi have commenced in temples of Shimla. The temples are being bedecked with floral designs and decorations while the deities are also being adored with new attires. There is jubilation in the air. About the day of Janamashtmi however there is still a dual opinion on being on Friday or Saturday.

Billions of Indians  across the country are preparing for the big day to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna, with spiritual devotion and enthusiasm. Shree Bhagwat Puran relates the birth episode or incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Krishna very beautifully.

The story is Raja Ugrasen and Raja Devak were brothers.  Raja Kans was the son of Ugrasen and with his demonic insticts he had imprisoned his own father to take over the throne of Mathura. Ma Devaki was the daughter of Raja Devak. So Kans and Devaki were cousins.

Devaki was wedded to Raja Vasudev. At the time of marriage and when Kans was happily bidding Bidai to  Devaki,  there was a heavenly declaration (Akaashwani) that the eighth child of Devaki would be the cause of death of Kans. The all delighted Kans was taken aback. He jumped off his royal chariot and pulled down Devaki from the other chariot where she was seated with Raja Vasudev, her husband. Kans became a demon as he pulled out his sword to kill Ma Devaki  But Raja Vasudev intervened and reasoned with Kans that it will be the eighth child of Devaki who will be the cause of his death, and not  his sister Devaki. I promise you Raja Kans, we would hand over all the children born to Devaki to you. To this reasoning Kans agreed and ordered his soldiers to take Raja Vasudev and Devaki in custody. So the parents of our Lord Shree Krishna were imprisoned and this became the beginning of another chapter of the atrocities of Kans. It was his demonish character which prompts him to change from a happy brother to the prisoner of his own sister. Such characters are destined to their own doom with their actions.

Now it is the prison where Lord Krishna will be born to take revenge of the killings of his seven siblings and also all the atrocities meted on his parents.

Believe it whenever you notice a change in your otherwise cool character, look out you may be heading towards negativity taking you to your bad phase of your life. Be attentive to your doings always. The music of the birth of Lord Krishna has begun. From here on to his birth charisma in the next episode.

To be continued…

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