By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group

God is our senior partner

Come on, my friend, I now welcome you last time. I have no hesitation in accepting that with the inspiration of the great God, the person I wanted to reveal the secret of eternal success and life, is the person you are, because if you were not that person, you might leave this journey from any of the last stoppages and have gone back. Your reach to your final stop is the symbol that I have searched the person to whom I was searching.

Please observe the lives of the people sitting on the success of the throne and you will find that they did not succeed in one day, but they created the ability to succeed within themselves and made a long-term plan for success, and in life despite all the adversities, they worked with their unwavering holy faith and succeeded.

Believe – Success is a positive idea in itself, a pure power and a sacred position and you can never get it with any negative method, misconception and unholy tendencies. Success is indicative of unlimited happiness and complete satisfaction. We have repeatedly seen thousands of people succeeded in using unholy and illegal methods, but we all are also witnesses of the fall of almost all of these people with our two eyes. Please note; the bigger building without foundation always collapse like the playing cards.

If I tell you that money is really nothing, you will definitely be shocked, and surely you would like to ask me if the money is nothing, what was I talking about to you till now? Your question is natural and it is necessary for you to raise this question so that I can open up to you the greatest secret of this life which has been given by the great God as the symbol of his love and affection towards you.

Friend, I want to know from you now that will you like to pass your entire life sitting on a huge pile of diamonds, gems, gold currencies and various forms of wealth in a very small island among the sea, where nothing is available to eat or drink, nor is anyone to talk to you? Friends, I am also keen to know from you that if you have a sudden fire in your house full of wealth and you have only one minute to get out of that house, then you will like to save yourself or your wealth? I sincerely do not want it but for sake of example only, if your son is on death bed, you will like to like to save your money or save the life of your son on the cost of your entire wealth saved by you throughout your life ? I know that neither you will be willing to spend the rest of your life on the island filled with wealth, nor will you withdraw your money before yourself from the burning house, nor you will save your accumulated wealth, leaving your child lying on the death bed. Think of yourself, why would you do this?

You are thinking right my friend and what you just told me is the best understanding of life. This is what you have said –

“Money is for life, for relations, for happiness and for ultimate satisfaction, and which wealth cannot do all these functions, that is the only currency, in which ‘money ‘ is nowhere.”

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