By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group

LUCKNOW: Many times it happens that even after the temporary impact on your income, when you join your work again, your income remains below your average income for a long time and the reason is – due to your absence, faith level of your customers on you, lowers and faith level of your customers in other traders goes higher during said period.

Think yourself, you purchase items you need from a special shop regularly, but for the last one month, the shop is closed because its owner has gone out of the city. You went to his shop many times and found the shop closed, and then you had to buy the same items from another shop.

Now even if the first shop opens, even then, due to two main reasons, the shopkeeper will not be able to reach the level of his previous average income – the first reason is that its customers will suspect that such a shop is open or not, and the second reason, in the meantime, due to the exposure of another shopkeeper, the belief level for the new shopkeeper has increased.

Although your Vertical success is your very personal and easily effective success, and it cannot take you far enough on the path of your richness, but without achieving Vertical success, you cannot even imagine about the Horizontal success. Your Vertical success is the basis of your Horizontal success. The time has come to give the extension to the qualities and powers that you have earned, the capabilities and beliefs you have developed and the control you have on your mind.. The same powers, same qualities and same qualifications which were still living in you deeper, now to be expanded into the dispersion. In a nutshell, you should understand that the sum of the strengths, beliefs, and capabilities that you have so far acquired was the first edition of your book of success, and now the sum of the same habits, powers, beliefs, and abilities in the form of horizontal success will be the second edition of the book of your success.

Now let’s introduce you to Horizontal success which is the supreme principle of success and security.

Horizontal Success :

As it is being clarified by its name – this success is the horizontal extension of your vertical success that can reach you at the highest level. If you have filled water in a glass or a bottle or a vertical shape, the first thing to understand is that you cannot fill more water than the capacity of that character and the other important thing is that even on the slightest imbalance, your whole water can be shattered and destroyed. But if you have laid that water in the horizontal form, the perimeter of that water becomes unlimited, and you can add many sheets in your sheet, and any deviation or imbalance cannot destroy your success. You may have heard, and sometimes it may be seen that the tremors of earthquakes often dash high raised towers, but these shocks do not have any special effect on the construction spread out of the earth closely. Do you know – why does this happen? This is because the base of the high tower is very limited, whereas the far-flung habitations have unlimited grounds.

Through an example, I try to explain to you. One of my friends Tanuj Arora is a chartered accountant, and he has only one client, but he earns one lac rupee per month as income from his only client, while my other friend Sushant Dixit is also a chartered accountant, but he has 100 clients, and he also earn a total of one Lac  rupees from all his clients. If I ask you which situation is most favorable in both of these then what would you say? I would say that although the income of both of my friends is the same but the income of Sushant Dixit is more secure. The reason is that if for some reason, Tanuj Arora’s client disputes with him, or his client has to move to a distant place or his client dies, his 100 percent income will be eliminated immediately.

But this situation can never come with Sushant Dixit, because generally neither a person can have a dispute with 100 people at a time, nor are all the people of the same group can leave town and nor all the people may die at a single point of time. Now if I tell you that the income of Tanuj is the result of vertical success and Sushant’s income is a result of Horizontal success, you can understand its difference easily. Tanuj has given the shape of a vertical to his income, but Sushant has given the shape of the horizon to his income. Hence the income of Sushant is more secure than Tanuj.

Tarun Prakash Srivastava

The writer is the author of book ‘Science of Money’ available on in English at   

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