Money Series: Part 45

By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group

Do you want to be successful only for yourself or to enjoy that success with your family? Have you secured the financial future of your family by your current income-level?

I talked to you about so many successful people who, during the initial part of their lives, achieved remarkable success but could not protect their success and lost it in the later part of lives, and they were lost forever in the dense and dark forests of failure. This is the uncertainty of life which moves along with us like shadows at every step, but we often do not see it in the pride of our success.

I want to show you that aspect of life which you do not want to think about. The truth of life never changes. I have not seen the future nor did so many people whose details I have given before and yes, you too have not even seen the future. Whatever you wrote in the past in your life gone, that is currently visible, and according to the same, your are getting your results also – sometimes good and sometimes bad. The paper of future is fully blank and contains the possibilities of your hundred of golden success stories along with thousands of risks. What you would like to write on that paper – of course, “success” but I want you to start writing from today itself the “security of that success” too.

When you are sitting on a comfortable own-earned chair, it is time to realize and enjoy the pleasures of success, and it is also the time to verify the strength of its legs. A chair can stand on its strong four feet, and for continuous success, it is necessary that we keep on checking its strengths time to time regularly for future security. Just think – is there any success without your family? Do you want to be successful only for yourself or to enjoy that success with your family? Have you secured the financial future of your family by your current income-level?

I try to help you a little bit. Please see the following table carefully:

Future risk Possible results without security Security plan

Serious illness of you or a member of your family

All of your acquired assets can end in sickness, and even due to death, all your family may be victims of economic deficiency.

Health Insurance for  your entire family

Your accidental death

Your successful business will end immediately, and the possibility of financial loss will be created, and your family may be victims of economic deficiency.

Term insurance for you at least up to your maximum possible limit.

The possibility of the destruction of your business or business place

Due to the loss of your business or commercial place, being influenced by fire or being influenced by theft or loot, the source of your income can be exhausted, and you may owe more of the debt.

An insurance plan in proper proportion to the possibility of being affected by the loss, fire, loot or theft of your business, commercial or industrial site.
The risk of non-payment of your home loan due to your sudden death or disability

The bank can auction your home and charge your outstanding payment, and your family can face serious financial and housing problems.

Insurance plan for the security of home loan repayment

The risk of not gettingthe necessary funds for higher education and marriage of children Due to your sudden death, disability or failure of the business, there may be a risk of not getting enough money for higher education and marriage of children. To have insurance plans with each such target on the basis of minimum requirement
Plan for your retirement In the absence of proper planning, you will never be able to get a retirement from work. Some suitable pension scheme

I think that at this stage of the journey, we have talked about the future and many potential risks associated with them, and you must have understood this very well that happiness and misery are two essential aspects of life. When you are living your life with pleasure, at the same time you will have to take appropriate measures to avoid future suffering, otherwise, your story will be heard by someone like me in his another book. I will only be interested in telling the story of your success and that too safe success, and you? What story do you want to leave for readers? Someone has said rightly – many people go to the peak of success, but the number of those who have remained for long periods of time, is very negligible. I want to see you standing firm on the peak of success for a long time, but it is possible only if you’re going to do the same.

I feel great talking to you because you are continuing to mature and look forward to preparing for a long successful journey. The time has come again for me to move ahead leaving you so that I can prepare your way for success by sweeping some other obstacles out on your way.

I’ll meet you – on the next turn, with a new theory for you, so that you may also pass by leaving the footprint of your success behind you and many of the people behind you can see those ‘blueprints’ from a distance.

Come on, please. I am eagerly waiting for you.

Tarun Prakash Srivastava

The writer is the author of book ‘Science of Money’ available on in English at  

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