LUCKNOW/SHIMLA: Soft spoken, suave and intelligent Prof. K.V. Nagaraj is a man with a vision who believes that developing “centres of academic excellence” is more important than carving out a bright academic career.

“Once you are able to establish an academic institution that promotes excellence, there will be no dearth of  bright academicians, explains Prof Nagaraj who has devoted  a major part of his academic career in building and grooming institutions of academic excellence.

Prof. K.V.Nagaraj, Professor at Mizoram University and Former Pro Vice Chancellor, Assam University is an icon of media education in India. He started his career as a sub-editor and sports reporter in Prajavani, a leading Kannada daily. He was an editorial trainee in Deccan Herald, Bangalore.

He worked for different agencies including Second Press Commission, University Grants Commission, Indian Council for Social Science Research, National Council for Science and Technology communication and Press Council of India.Prof. Nagaraj is a supervisor of  more than 50 scholars for gaining PhD and MPhil at various universities.

Prof. Nagaraj authored ten books. He works as an editorial advisor of various research journals and contributes in national and international journals.He is an advisor of Mass communication department in Dhaka, National Eligibility Test of University Grants Commission, Delhi, State Level Eligibility Tests of Maharashtra, Tamilnadu and Karnataka and Public Service Commissions of different states.

Prof. Nagaraj is associated with more than 90 universities and he has been frequently visiting these institutions to fulfill his academic engagements.He has also been traveling abroad in conection with various academic assignments.

Prof. Nagaraj  has  already visited over a  dozen countries including United States of America, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Germany, Malayasia, Nepal, Bhutan, Norway, People’s Republic of China, Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.

The article is an effort of ICN DIGITAL MEDIA GROUP to promote excellence in Journalism.

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