
By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group 


When thinking whispers with the brain regarding the possibilities of changes during and after the Lockdown. It becomes very perturbing for both of them.

Whatever we are seeing , perceiving, feeling or coming ACROSS, is all under a serious threat of getting changed. Yes the degree of variance may differ from one parameter to other. But everything seems ready to adapt according to situation.

My Almighty God grand everything Superb to our Planet, “The Earth”


  • Inter – Country – Relations –


Every  tragedy which affected more countries of the  world and  created calamities and  panic across  the Globe , did  put pressure on  the respective countries to change their thinking , behaviours and attitude which restructured their inter country relations . It  was observed in  all the eras which faced such losses , that relations between or among them got few  or more changes .

In  the present tragedy of Corona , our country has played a major helping role for so many countries , all over  the World . India did  provide to  all, a medicine which is  said  to be helpful in this dreaded pandemic . This  fetched much more respect for  our country from Universal Thinkers and  benefited countries .

Today most of the countries are eagerly seeing towards us or ethically evaluating our deeds . In coming days , if India gets some bigger International responsibilities , will not  be  strange . If a country thinks and many  others reach a conclusion that one country is responsible for the  present world – wide – calamity , then this situation may cause various differences amongst so many in the days to come. 


  • Major – Changes – in – Post – Lock – Down – World ? “


After  every big calamity the world  did witness so many material changes . After every big Pandemic there were many long lasting or permanent adaptations , it did ?  Changes may be in the form of  some or many Social Norms . They might be in the behavioral part of humanity . Even the attitudes of persons may adopt something which may indicate traces of this lock -down .

People may change their food – habits , living styles , interpersonal relations , thinking and perceptions regarding life , hygienes , keeping away from crowds and so many other ethics of this tragic – scenario . 


  • About  Developments , Competitive – Supremacy and Lethal Weapons . 


From  the day , we  started remembering anything , we are seeing enormous production and accumulation of  deadly weapons in almost every major country of the world . So huge Atom – Bombs , Hydrogen Bombs and many more of similar descriptions . These parameters ever indicated the standards and supremacies of the owners .

World kept thinking that whenever any of these will be used , it will result into a big loss of humanity on the Earth . More over they ever considered these accumulations as their securities to protect them .Now an invisible virus attacks almost entire human family or brotherhood on this planet . Now come and use these big protectors to kill virus and save the human beings ? will they ?


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