Their reach has also crossed many boundaries of the world. Hindi version has reached around 69 countries and English around 113 countries.
NEW DELHI: In today’s cacophony of the digital journalism, it is not easy to make a visible mark. But, if you have vision and perseverance to reach to a great height, you break all obstacles. It happened with the ICN also.
It is a matter of great satisfaction for the ICN Group that in its very short journey of about a year when it was launched as in English and in Hindi, it reached a remarkable figure so soon.
Its Hindi web portal has crossed 1736308 hits and it is no doubt a great feat in this era of bombardment of news and news portals.
Both in English and Hindi, has achieved a respect and love from the valued readers. In Hindi, it has reached to around two million marks and in English, it is more than a 1002472 hits.
Their reach has also crossed many boundaries of the world. Hindi version has reached around 69 countries and English around 113 countries.
Whatever ICN has achieved and whatever respect it earned from its esteemed readers is the continuous and serious efforts of its entire editorial team, especially Chairman, Chief Advisor, Sr. Editor, Vice President, Managing Editor ,Sr. Executive Editor, Chief Consulting Editor, Editor-In-Chief, Editors, Executive Editors, Editorial Group Advisors, Sr. Associate Editors, Deputy Editor, Associate Editors, Bureau Chiefs, Asstt. Editors, Sub Editors, Special Correspondents, Correspondents, Bureaus and the management team, which did not show any sign of fatigue and despair while covering the entire journey so far.
Our main objective is to make this platform unique and closer to the heart of people for raising their issues and concerns related to their lives continuously. If we could succeed in changing a few lives, we would be more than happy and satisfied.
The ICN Digital news portal is a modest attempt to promote healthy journalism under the guidance of intellectuals with vast experience, drawn for various fields, besides journalism.
Taking advantage of global reach of the online media platform the ICN Digital Media Group strives to embrace the vast Indian Diaspora spread across the world.
The objective is not only to keep the Indians settled abroad better informed but also to strengthen their bond with the mainland by addressing their concerns and ensuring adequate coverage of issues and events involving their interests.
It is no doubt a challenge to survive and sustain when there are so much financial constraints. But our desire to excel and serve the nation and its people is the only booster which makes us going. I hope we will keep receiving the love and respect of the readers.