ICN Has Reached A Million Marks In Such A Short Span Of Time

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ICN Hindi web portal www.icnhindi.com has crossed 1000000 hits within 190 days and it is no doubt a great feat in this era of bombardment of news and news portals.

NEW DELHI: It is a matter of great satisfaction for the ICN Group that in its very short journey of about a year when it was launched as www.icnantional.com in English and www.icnhindi.com in Hindi, it reached a remarkable figure so soon. Its Hindi web portal www.icnhindi.com has crossed 1000000 hits and it is no doubt a great feat in this era of bombardment of news and news portals.

icn hindi LOGO


ICN English is also moving fast and will reach to its desired target very soon.

Whatever ICN has achieved and whatever respect it earned from its esteemed readers is the continuous and serious efforts of its entire editorial team, especially Chairman, Chief Advisor, Sr. Editor, Vice President, Editor-In-Chief, Sr. Manging Editor ,Chief Consulting Editor,  Sr. Executive Editor, Editors,  Chief News Editor, Editorial Group Advisors, News Editor, Sr. Associate Editors, Deputy Editor, Associate Editors, Bureau Chief’s, Asstt. Editors, Sub Editors, Special Correspondents, Correspondents, Bureau’s and the management team, which did not show any sign of fatigue and despair while covering the entire journey so far.

Our main objective is to make this platform unique and closer to the heart of people for raising their issues and concerns related to their lives continuously. If we could succeed in changing a few lives, we would be more than happy and satisfied.

It is no doubt a challenge to survive and sustain when there are so much financial constraints. But our desire to excel and serve the nation and its people is the only booster which makes us going. I hope we will keep receiving the love and respect of the readers as we have been getting since two years of its existence.

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