By: Dr. Nosheen Ali (Bureau Chief-ICN Madhya Pradesh)

Blood pressure can be lowered with medication or even naturally – but changing diet and increasing exercise.

BHOPAL: Now a day’s Blood Pressure is a very Common Problem in all over India. Blood Pressure problem develops because of Stress, Anxiety, and Tension in my Article so I want to say about Blood Pressure.

What is Blood Pressure; – the pressure of the blood against the inner walls of the blood vessels, varying in different parts of the body during different phases of contraction of the heart and under different conditions of health, exertion, etc.

Normal Blood Pressure is ;-120/80mmHg

120-is Systolic Blood Pressure is specifically the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. The time at which ventricular contraction occurs is called systole.

80-is Diastolic Blood Pressure-The diastolic pressure is specifically the minimum arterial pressure during relaxation and dilatation of the ventricles of the heart when the ventricles fill with blood.

High Blood Pressure Stages

High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born prematurely, detach from the placenta, or require a cesarean delivery.Several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including: Smoking. Being overweight or obese. Lack of physical activity

Common Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

3.Bleeding from the nose
4.Fatigue and Sleepiness
6.Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
8.Profuse sweating
9.Blurred vision

By Diet Maintain your Blood Pressure

Eating a healthy diet will start lowering your blood pressure today.

Some of the best foods that lower blood pressure naturally include:

  1. Vegetables

Eating a variety of vegetables is a staple for basically every diet that exists, considering veggies are high-antioxidant foods packed with protective nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and various electrolytes Eat the rainbow”). Leafy greens like spinach, kale, mustard greens and turnip greens are potassium-rich foods.

  1. Fresh Fruit-Consuming fresh fruit (as opposed to juices or sweetened, canned fruits) is a great way to increase your intake of fiber, electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, and antioxidants, especially fruits like berries, citrus, kiwi, apples and melon

3-Beans and Legumes

Beans and legumes — lentils, chickpeas, black beans and adzuki beans — are great sources to increase your intake of fiber, protein, B vitamins and certain antioxidants.

Low Blood Pressure Symptoms; or hypotension can include:

  • Fatigue.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Clammy skin.
  • Depression.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Common causes of low blood pressure include poor diet and malnutrition, loss of blood, and emotional disorders (i.e., bulimia, anorexia).
  • Causes of low blood pressure
  • Hemorrhage – excessive bleeding due to any injury or accident reduces amount of blood in the body, causes severe reduction in the blood flow and ultimately leads to low blood pressure
  • Endocrinal disorders – endocrine disorders like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can alter blood pressure, causes low blood pressure, other disorders such as adrenal insufficiency, diabetes, hypoglycemia can also cause low blood pressure.
  • Cardiac complaints – certain heart complaints like valvular disorders, heart failure, bradycardia theses conditions interrupt the proper circulation of blood in the body which ultimately leads to low blood pressure.
  • Certain medication – medications, like tricyclic antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs, narcotics, beta blockers can cause fall in blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy – there is fall in the blood pressure during pregnancy due to expansion in the female circulatory system.
  • Dehydration – whenever there is excessive fluid loss from the body it causes sudden fall in blood pressure and reduction in the amount of oxygen to the tissues as well. The condition becomes fetal when it turns to hypovolemic shock.
  • Hypotension due to infections – when infection reaches to flowing blood it produces septicemia which can cause severe and life threatening fall in blood pressure.
  • Anemia – in which there is lack of production of red blood cells, and lack of oxygen to the tissues of organs which ultimately leads to low blood pressure.
  • Allergy or allergic reaction – allergic reaction or anaphylaxis can be a major factor which can induce sudden and severe fall in blood pressure.

Consume a Balanced Diet—made up of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, fresh fruits and vegetables will help keep your blood pressure stable.

Have adequate salt:

Excess salt is bad, but it is required by your body in moderate quantities.  one teaspoon of added salt.

  • Besides what you derive from natural from fruits and vegetables. In summers or if you exercise daily, keep some lime water with a pinch of salt handy.

Drink more fluids:

Drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water every day. Besides this, include drinks like coconut water, bael ka sharbat and aam panna in your diet. These will give you the necessary electrolytes required to maintain the fluids in your body. Dehydration is a common cause of low blood pressure. Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols and may help you lower your blood pressure.

Caffeine helps:

Caffeinated beverages like tea or coffee may help boost your blood pressure temporarily.  When your blood pressure dips suddenly, a cup of coffee or tea can get your circulation going.

Almond Milk:

Soak 5 to 6 almonds overnight, peel them in the morning, make a paste and boil them into a drink. Drink this every day to prevent your blood pressure from falling. There is no cholesterol or saturated fat in almond milk. In fact, it is rich in healthy fats like Omega-3 fatty acids.

Munaka: Another remedy from granny’s kitchen. You can soak some munaka overnight and then boil it with milk and have it in the morning. It increases vitality and blood and helps in better circulation.

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