By: Dr. Lata Verma (Sub-Editor ICN Group)
LUCKNOW: Acne or pimples is a common skin condition frequently seen in young individuals during teenage and youth years. This occurs mainly due to the action of hormones on the oil glands in the skin.
The draining ducts of the oil glands get blocked and hence they are not able to drain the oil secretion. The oil and cells inside the blocked gland form a perfect environment for the growth of Propionibacterium acnes (the organism responsible for acne). Thus, it results in the formation of pimples or acne.
Acne usually occurs on the face, chest, back, shoulders and neck. It is one of the most common skin conditions. Although acne is not a serious threat to the health, yet it can lead to scarring and disfigurement of the face that can have a significant impact on the patient.
Homeopathy offers very safe and natural treatment for acne. Homeopathic medicines for acne work internally, in a very gentle and effective way, without any harsh external applications.
Rather than suppress acne, Homeopathic medicines treat the condition at the root. These medicines, which are safe from any adverse side effects, are prescribed after a thorough in-depth analysis of symptoms.
Sulphur, Sanguinaria, Kali bromatum, Antimonium crudum, Asterias Rubens, Belladonna, Hepar Sulphur, Calcarea Silicata, Nux vomica, Arsenicum iodatum, Causticum, Chelidonium majus, Graphites, Psorinum, Sabina, Calcarea phosphoricum, Thuja occidentalis, Ledum palustre, Nitricum acidum, Bovista, Tuberculinum.
- Psorinum – Psorinum is one of the best rated Homeopathic medicines for acne. It is indicated for acne of all types – acne simplex, acne pustular and acne indurata. It is equally effective for acne in oily skin where the overactive sebaceous glands secrete excess sebum leaving the skin constantly greasy. Here Psorinum helps decrease oil secretion and treat acne. In case of acne that worsens from eating sweets, chocolates, meat and fatty food, Psorinum is the medicine to prescribe. It also treats intolerably itchy acne and that which worsens during the winter.
- Hepar Sulph –Hepar Sulph is very effective Homeopathic remedies for acne that are pustular in nature. Pustular acne refers to acne that contains pus. The pus may sometimes be stained with blood. Where pus or blood stained pus oozes out of pimples, Hepar Sulph will be effective. The pimples may be extremely painful here. Acne in youth is also best treated with Hepar Sulph..
- Calcarea Sulphurica- Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Sulphurica is most helpful where pustular acne ooze yellow coloured pus
- Kali Bromatum –Homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum works wonders in treating acne located on the face, chest and shoulders. Marked itching may attend the acne. The acne may be simplex, pustular or indurated. Kali Bromatum is also prescribed where acne leaves ugly scars. Bluish-red pimples are a sure shot sign that Kali Bromatum will work.
- Antimonium Crudum– Antimonium Crudum is the most suitable Homeopathic medicines for acne on cheeks. In case of heat in the cheeks along with acne, Antimonium Crudum aids fast recovery. The acne may be papular or pustular. Yellow scabs may cover the acne. Burning sensation is another complaint.
- Antimonium tartaricum–Obstinate cases, with tendency to pustulation, are curable with this remedy.
- Sabina-Hypochondriacal dejection. Low spirited and joyless, with a feeling of general exhaustion. Acne. Face is pale, with lusterless eyes encircled by blue ring. Black pores on nose and face.
- Natrum Mur– Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur will show best results in itchy acne on oily cheeks. Prickling pain in the acne is complained of. Natrum Mur is also prescribed for acne in girls who are anaemic.
- Ledum palustre–Angry mood. Love for solitude. Great seriousness. Face, Alternatively pale and red. Dry pimples like millet seed on forehead. Red nodules Boils on forehead. Skin Dry, want of natural perspiration.
- Bovista–Acne from the use of cosmetics; especially during summer. Pale swelling of cheeks. Skin itching, especially when getting warm, better not scratching. Sadness, with restlessness. Easily offended: takes everything in bad part. (To Be Continued…)