Free Dental Check-Up Camp For Kids Organised In Lucknow

By: Dr Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN

LUCKNOW: Healthy teeth are important for child’s general and overall health. As you might guess, the number-one dental problem among pre-schoolers is tooth decay. One out of 10 two- year-old, already have one or more cavities. Many parents assume that cavities in baby teeth don’t matter, because they’ll be lost anyway. But that’s not true. Dental decay in baby teeth can negatively affect permanent teeth and lead to future dental problems. The best way to protect your child’s teeth is to teach him good dental habits. With the proper coaching he’ll quickly adopt good oral hygiene as a part of his daily routine. To keep this in mind and to create awareness among parents and their children,  renowned implantologist of Lucknow Dr. Vikram Ahuja and his team conducted a free dental health check-up camp for kids on 17th Feb, 2019, at Rohtas plumeria in Gomtinagar. It was the effort of one day and was a well organised camp. The  team of doctors includes Dr. Vikram Ahuja, Dr. Abhishek Pandey, Dr. Aakanksha shukla and Dr. Manju who had done the dental check-up and told them the proper way of brushing. Free samples of Colgate were also distributed and dental health awareness videos are also projected on the screen for the children. Cartoons, games, crunchy munchy and full entertainment package was organised for all the little kids and they enjoyed a lot. This camp was organised by the Managing director, Mrs. Urvashi Ahuja with the help of administrative staff, Riya vaswani and shruti verma and dental assistant, Rishab Kumar, Pooja and Arti dheeman.   

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