Excellence with G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 54

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group

(In the past article, we knew about the importance of inculcating good habits. Today, we will know about the power of becoming a lifelong learner.)

Become a lifelong learner

Peter Drucker says, “we now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.”

As I had explained in previous articles, we must have to move from negatives to positives in each walk of life. Recall the example of cup of tea. From that example, an inescapable conclusion may be drawn that regular supply of positivity is essential, though speed may vary from person to person. Now the question is, from where you will get these positive inputs; from where you will get new useful thoughts? The answer lies in deciding to become a disciplined lifelong learner. You have to make conscious efforts on at least two fronts. One is reading inspirational books, listening motivational tapes/ CDs, and attending seminars; and another is learning new skills, which may take you towards your goals.

Inculcate the habit of daily reading

Develop regular reading habits. If you start reading good books just for 15-20 minutes a day, you will easily finish at least 2 books every month, i.e.  24 books in a year i.e. 240 books over a period of 10 years. Imagine what will be the difference in mental standard of a person, who has read 240 books over a period of 10 years and a person, who has not read any books.

Consciously choose, what to read

Discriminate while choosing good books. One essential quality of a good book is that it should either improve your knowledge in your field or motivate you; or inspire you. Just like we say that you should eat healthy food and avoid junk food, the same theory applies while reading also. After all, reading is a food for your mind. You can’t provide junk food to your mind.  

Maintain your own library of good books

I would suggest everybody to maintain a small library of good books at home. Never read the books after borrowing from someone. You will not be so benefitted from a borrowed book, as you will not be in a position to mark the important portions for later reference. Moreover, if you buy the books, these will be available at your home and your family members may also read them in due course. Try to encourage your family members, specially children, to inculcate reading habits. When I left Lucknow for job at the age of about 23 years, already my library contained more than 1000 books on different topics, ranging from personality development, religion & spirituality, numerology, palmistry, Marx, Lenin, Rabindranath Tagore, Shakespeare, Premchand, Maxim Gorky to name a few. The reading habit nurtured during my childhood by my parents made me, what I am today.

Believe me, just like you take pleasure breaks, if you take a long break to read some good books, just like you read novels, you will be a totally changed person. Even if you are the most pessimist person on the earth, you will see a whole new world of success, as every aspect of your life will see a turn around. When you read the autobiographies and biographies of great people, you learn to fight against all odds and learn how they emerged victorious. Your outlook towards the life will be changed; your attitude and behaviour and your response mechanism towards the situations will be changed. Overall, I can say that you will start riding the fastest horse towards your dream life.  

Dr. Awdhesh Singh, the renowned author of ‘Practising Spiritual Intelligence’ and ‘The Secret Red Book of Leadership’, shared a very interesting & important benefit of reading with me. He told that when we read any book, we are connected to the authors, as if they are directly talking to us and guiding us, which is not otherwise possible, as you can’t meet the authors directly. For example, when we read Socrates or Chanakya or Benjamin Franklin, our mind gets connected with their minds and we get the benefits of live coaching from those great people.

I found the above suggestion very useful and practical. Successful people from different fields have shared their lives and experiences in the form of books. If we read these books and autobiographies, the treasure of wisdom can help us change our lives in all walks of our life.

Jim Rohn says, one book may save you 5 years, if you learn from the experience of others, so read, read and read.

Attend every seminar, you can. Spend some money from your own pocket. Don’t wait for your organisation to sponsor it for you. When you spend from your own pocket, you learn most. As you have decided to take responsibility of your life, you have to work upon your personal development and learn the professional skills. Sometimes, one good idea from the speaker can change your life forever. You should keep aside 5-10% of your income for your self-improvement, out of which you should purchase good books, CDs of seminars for listening in your car etc., attending good motivational seminar, or seminar on your field of expertise. Believe me, if you spend 5-10% of your income on your own development, your income is bound to increase manifold. It is an investment in you. Initially, it may appear a waste, but in long run, it will bring you desired success as your personality will gain all the traits necessary for success.

I would suggest that you should always keep a book with you while travelling. Always keep some motivational CDs in your car. You can even download some inspirational speeches from YouTube and store it in your mobile phone for listening while travelling.

The habit of becoming a regular reader will take you miles ahead in your life. And if you think that you are already good, I would like to remind you that even the best can be improved.

(In the next article, we will discuss about inculcating good financial habits. I believe that you are enjoying the journey towards the future of your dreams with me. If yes, please stay tuned every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Happy G.O.P.T.A.)

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Creator & copyright holder of the concept G.O.P.T.A.©  is an Author, Certified NLP Lifestyle Master Practitioner, Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker and recipient of Honorary Doctorate of Excellence (Management) by prestigious Young Scientist University, California, USA. He is Founder of ‘Read, Learn & Earn Movement’ and is popularly known among his fans & followers across the globe as ‘Time and Goal Guru’.

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