By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group
24 Hours a day is God’s choice
KOLKATA: Time is the only thing, for which you can’t even complaint to God that he has given you lesser than anybody else. Time has been given to all equally.
If we think that we have less time, the question arises, who decided that one day will contain 24 hours and why do not some global agencies like United Nations and some powerful countries meet and decide to enhance the number of hours a day.
To answer this question, let us go back to the geography read during early childhood that it depends upon rotation of earth upon its axis and we can’t increase or decrease the rotation time.
Now another question arises that who decided that the earth will rotate upon its axis in 24 hours.
The answer is – Almighty God (by whatever name you may know the Almighty).
Here, I want to clarify one thing which is very important to understand. Only after understanding this concept, you will be able to correctly understand, why your time utilisation patterns are necessarily required to be changed. You have seen various creations of God like the Universe, Earth, Nature, Human body, etc.
Think, how wonderful is it that the planets weighting too much are hanging in the air. Various parts of your body release so many different types of secretions, which are helpful for survival of body. Everything in the nature is perfectly balanced. From the time immemorial, not even a single thing has been found by mankind, which is imperfect. The God has created everything working in perfect harmony.
That means that as per God’s thinking, 24 hours is the time, which is optimum for everybody to complete its work; whether it is mankind, animal kingdom or nature. 24 hours’ day is most perfect, as it is God’s creation. Now observe yourself. If you deeply introspect your time utilisation patterns, you will find that if you correctly utilise your time, you can do all the things required in 24 hours. If currently you are not able to do so, this means only two things:-
1-Either you are not utilising your time properly and wasting your time; or
2-You are overburdened with excessive work, which needs serious review and corrective measures.
Benefits of time management
So you will find that if you start utilising your time in most appropriate manner, you will enjoy various benefits.
- You will be able to do the necessary things in lesser time and get more time to do whatever you want to do in life and have more time to spend with those who are close to your heart, be it your family, friends or else.
- You will start understanding that if you are taking more time than actually required to do some work, you are stealing time from your own enjoyment time.
- You will start understanding that every minute wasted in the office puts extra pressure on your family life, as either you have to sit late in the office to finish the work or take the work home, either physically, or mentally or both.
I believe most of you will relate with the last italicised phrase.
(Right now, I am working on the mindset towards time utilisation patterns, as I believe that without changing our attitude towards time utilisation patterns, time-management tips are of no use. In the next article, we will know about analysing our own time utilisation patterns; and after that we will move towards ‘Importance of Goals Setting’ and my copyrighted concept G.O.P.T.A.©. So, stay tuned every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday.)
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Creator & copyright holder of the concept G.O.P.T.A.© is an Author, Certified NLP Lifestyle Practitioner, Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker and recipient of Honorary Doctorate of Excellence (Management) by prestigious Young Scientist University, California, USA
My book ‘How to Add 50000 Productive Hours to Your Life’ is available at Amazon & Flipkart in English at