Excellence With G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 15

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group

In part 14 of the series, we saw how to handle the temporary setbacks in life. Today, we will see how to become a no-limit person.


KOLKATA: Imagine, there are no limitations for you. Imagine, you had the Magic Lamp of Aladdin, which can grant you one wish to inculcate a positive belief. What belief would you like to choose? If choice is there, you should opt for ‘I am destined to succeed’. After all, you are the creation of God and how can God produce a sub-standard product. When I was working on my dream project ‘How to Add 50000 Productive Hours to Your Life’ book & workshop, I was filled with the firm belief that I have been selected by the Almighty God for this work and I am bound to succeed, as he is giving me the desired energy to do my work and it is ‘He’, who is guiding me through the process and removing the obstacles in my path; if any setbacks will come across my way, strength will be provided by Almighty God to overcome the setbacks and move ahead.

Similarly, if your belief system says that you are not capable to succeed, just start thinking that you are capable to succeed and see the change. The change in belief system will manifest in change in your thought process and your actions will follow suit. If your belief system says that you are not capable to increase your earning, see at your past and ask yourself whether in the past, you have already increased your income level from your starting salary or starting income in your business. If yes, you know that income increases over a period of time and you already know the art of increasing your earnings. Now you have to simply learn to increase the speed of this increase i.e. the growth rate. First step is belief that you can do it. Then you have to explore, what skills you have to learn and what relationships you have to develop to materialise this expected growth, which we will see later.  

Remember, if you believe in your potential, your expectations will automatically increase. With expectations your positive actions will automatically increase and you will be able to overcome the challenges coming en-route to success by becoming bigger than the challenges.


Hope is very important. You have to expect and believe that everything positive will happen to you. Here I must share that when I started working on my mission of spreading awareness about goal setting and effective time management amongst students and others, I started visualising myself speaking in front of huge audience in India and abroad. I used to deliver whole of the lecture beforehand in my mind, even before I could deliver even a single lecture in reality.Expectancy filled my sub-conscious mind, which motivated me to take appropriate actions at the appropriate time towards achieving my goals. When I stood up for my first workshop, I was not nervous, as I had already practiced it in my visualisations. I would say that expect positive results and it will happen to you sooner or later, depending upon your disciplined actions.

When Jim Carrey, renowned Hollywood actor, was struggling in his early days, he used to think that everybody wants to work with him and there are various offers of good films, which are on the way to him. World famous motivational speaker Les Brown says that every day you have to recondition your mind by saying, “it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s possible.”

(In the upcoming article of this series, we will know about the steps in overcoming the self-limiting beliefs. So, stay tuned every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. Happy G.O.P.T.A.)

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Creator & copyright holder of the concept G.O.P.T.A.©  is an Author, Certified NLP Lifestyle Practitioner, Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker and recipient of Honorary Doctorate of Excellence (Management) by prestigious Young Scientist University, California, USA. He is Founder of ‘Read, Learn & Earn Movement’ and is popularly known among his fans & followers across the globe as ‘Time and Goal Guru’.

His book ‘How to Add 50000 Productive Hours to Your Life’ is available at Amazon & Flipkart in English at http://bit.ly/HowToAdd50000ProductiveHoursToYourLife

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