By: Shantanu Das Sharma, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group
Quick recap of what we have covered in Part 23
De-intensifying a Negative Experience
Learn Identifying Your Drivers!
Mapping Across: Transferring Our Mental Blueprints
KOLKATA: In the article on physiology, I said that every state we experience has a specific physiology associated to it. Similarly, our brain tends to code every state differently in our minds. When we feel motivated about something, it is because our sub-modalities are arranged in a certain way. When we think of the opposite state, like procrastination, the sub-modalities will be arranged very differently.
What happens if we take an event that we are procrastinating about and change the sub-modalities into the sub-modalities of motivation? We will immediately feel more motivated to do the very thing we were procrastinating about. This process is called mapping across. We are basically finding the recipe or mental blueprint of our minds to feel motivated. When we take our ‘motivation recipe’ and put it into another experience, we will start feeling motivated about doing it.
There are five major steps to this process:
Step 1 Elicit the sub-modalities of Procrastination.
Step 2 Elicit the sub-modalities of Motivation.
Step 3 Notice the differences. These are called the Drivers.
Step 4 Take the sub-modalities of Motivation and put it into the Procrastination experience.
Step 5 Test it out.
Step 1. Elicit the Sub-modalities of Procrastination
First, think of something which you need to do, but are not motivated to begin doing. For example, it could be cleaning the house. Close your eyes and make an image of what it would be like to clean your house or finish a project. As you think of this procrastination experience, make a checklist of the sub-modalities. For example, your ‘mental recipe’ for procrastination could look something like the sample checklist below. On the scale of 1 to 10, how motivated are you to clean your house? It could be a 2 out of a 10.
Disassociated or Associated?
Still picture or a Movie? Small or Large? Defocused or Focused? Dim or Bright? Black & white or Color? Far away or Close up? Framed or Panoramic? Location of the Image? |
Movie Small Focused Dim Black & white Close-up Framed Slightly off center |
What sounds do you hear?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft or Loud? Low pitch or High pitch? Slow or Fast? |
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil |
Auditory Digital
What do you say to yourself?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft Loud? Low pitch High pitch? Slow Fast? |
‘Must I do this now?’
Right ear Mono Medium Low pitch (very bored tone) Slow |
Where is the Location?
What is the Shape? What is the Size? Small Large? Still or Moving? Direction of Movement? Light Heavy? Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 |
In the limbs
Square Big Moving Downwards Heavy 2 |
Step 2. Elicit the Sub-modalities of Motivation (e.g. Going for a long drive)
Now, break your state and think of something you are highly motivated to do. For example, it could be going for a long drive or shopping for a new dress! Close your eyes and think of the experience you are very motivated to do! On a scale of 1 to 10, you are at a 9 or even 10! Make a checklist of the sub-modalities of this motivated experience. An example is shown in the checklist below.
Disassociated or Associated?
Still picture or a Movie? Small or Large? Defocused or Focused? Dim or Bright? Black & white or Color? Far away or Close up? Framed or Panoramic? Location of the Image? |
Movie Larger Focused Brighter Color Close-up Panoramic Center |
What sounds do you hear?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft or Loud? Low pitch or High pitch? Slow or Fast? |
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil |
Auditory Digital
What do you say to yourself?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft Loud? Low pitch High pitch? Slow Fast? |
‘Go for it!!!’
Right ear Mono Loud High pitch (very excited tone) Fast |
Where is the Location?
What is the Shape? What is the Size? Small Large? Still or Moving? Direction of Movement? Light Heavy? Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 |
In the chest
Round Very big Moving Upwards Light 9 |
Step 3. Notice the Differences.
Now, take a look at the sub-modalities of the ‘procrastination experience’ and compare it to the ‘motivation experience’. Notice where the sub-modalities are different. In your mind, they are what make the difference in the way you code these two experiences. Now, it is important to know that the coding process is not the same for everybody. It is how your mind distinguishes between something that motivates you and something that does not. Please note that if you encounter similar definitions e.g. both are described as ‘dim’, you should check which of the two is brighter by comparison.
Disassociated or Associated? Still picture or a Movie? Small or Large? Defocused or Focused? Dim or Bright? Black & white or Color? Far away or Close-up? Framed or Panoramic? Location of the Image? |
Procrastination (Finish project)
Dissociated Movie Small Focused Dim Black & white Close-up Framed Slightly off center |
Motivation (Long drive)
Associated Movie Larger Focused Brighter Color Close-up Panoramic Center |
What sounds do you hear?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft or Loud? Low pitch or High pitch? Slow or Fast? |
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil |
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil |
Auditory Digital
What do you say to yourself?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft Loud? Low pitch High pitch? Slow Fast? |
‘Must I do this now?’
Right ear Mono Medium Low pitch (very bored tone) Slow |
‘Go for it!!!’
Right ear Mono Loud High pitch (very excited tone) Fast |
Where is the Location?
What is the Shape? What is the Size? Small Large? Still or Moving? Direction of Movement? Light Heavy? Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 |
In the limbs
Square Big Moving Downwards Heavy 2 |
In the chest
Round Very big Moving Upwards Light 9 |
Step 4. Take the Sub-modalities of Motivation and Put it into the Procrastination Experience
Now, here is where it gets really interesting. I want you to go back and think of that experience you were not motivated to do (i.e. cleaning your house). Now as you think about finishing your project, I want you to shift the sub-modalities of this boring experience to the sub-modalities of motivation! As you think about cleaning the house or finishing your project, change the experience from ‘disassociated’ to ‘associated.’ Do you feel more motivated to clean the house or finish your project? Does the level of intensity increase from 2? Now, make the movie larger and brighter like in the motivated experience. Now, change it from ‘black and white’ to color, shift the image to the center and make it panoramic, like in the motivated experience. How motivated do you feel now?
Now, as you think about cleaning the house or finishing your project, say to yourself loudly, in a fast, very excited tone, ‘Go for it!’, the exact same way as in the motivated experience. How motivated do you feel now? Finally, shift the kinesthetic sub-modalities. Take the feeling in your limbs and shift it to your chest. Make the sensation round, larger and lighter like the size of the motivation experience. Then create the upwards movement in the same way! How motivated do you feel now? For most people, their motivation to clean the house or finish their project should have jumped from a 2 all the way to a 9 or a 10 by now.
SUBMODALITIES OF Procrastination (Finish Project)
Disassociated or Associated?
Still picture or a Movie? Small or Large? Defocused or Focused? Dim or Bright? Black & white or Color? Far away or Close up? Framed or Panoramic? Location of the Image? |
Movie Larger Focused Brighter Color Even closer Panoramic Center |
What sounds do you hear?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft or Loud? Low pitch or High pitch? Slow or Fast? |
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil |
Auditory Digital
What do you say to yourself?
Direction of Sound? Mono or Stereo? Soft Loud? Low pitch High pitch? Slow Fast? |
‘Go for it!!!’
Right ear Mono Loud High pitch (very excited tone) Faster |
Where is the Location?
What is the Shape? What is the Size? Small Large? Still or Moving? Direction of Movement? Light Heavy? Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 |
In the chest
Round Very big Moving Upwards Light 9 |
Step 5. Test it Out
Notice how motivated you become as you think of the experience of cleaning the house or finishing your project with your ‘motivation blueprint’.
(I facilitate Thought Leaders, Change Makers; Professionals & Business Owners translate NLP concepts into actions to achieve and elicit personal excellence. I conduct NLP Lifestyle Coaching Certification programs for individuals, corporate and celebrity clients. In the next article, you will continue to learn how to map across to transfer our mental blueprints. And after that you will come to know in subsequent articles, how you can utilize concepts of NLP+ in all walks of your life to replicate the success blueprint of a winner mindset to win through life. So, stay tuned every Monday & Friday and fasten your seat belt to ‘Enhance Your Lifestyle With NLP+’)
Shantanu Das Sharma, Creator of the concept NLP Lifestyle Coaching with NLP+, Founder of Neuromind Leadership Academy is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, NLP Lifestyle Master Trainer & Coach, Clean Language Facilitator & Strategic Interventionist.