Don’t Fool Yourself

By: Prof. Satyendra Kumar Singh ( Associate Editor-ICN Group )  

Hey dude! Good morning.

Before you have breakfast today, just list out your schedule for the day. How much time are you going to give to television? What about your free time, how are you going to utilize that?

Hey! Don’t panic. Just give it a thought and proceed to your breakfast. It is better to have it hot and fumy.

Hope, you are done! Now, let us ponder again.

Once you have the list of the tasks for the day, you are going to make it for sure. But my hidden intention is to know about your free time. How much time you share with your buddy called television? What kind of program tickles you?

Most of us actually go for the fun-based program and there is nothing bad about it. We all need certain relaxation time. However, the question is how much relaxation time is required? Is it the program that is going to ooze your tiredness or can it be complemented with your family and friends instead of that electronic box?

I learnt sometimes back that the information available on the internet is far beyond imagination. Hey please, don’t punch me! I am not asking to hen the information. After all it’s the time to feel better after the day-long workout and I understand it dear.

But I know equally that you are a person with passion and you want to be better than the others. So a bit for routine change can do wonders. And here is the list of suggestions that might go well with sips of coffee that you are enjoying with the breakfast.

What we need to know about the world is in its real sense. We have a hell lot of virtual arena around us and we must not be the part of this.

We need to fun and play the indoor and outdoor games with someone like your brother or son or even your grannie. We need to speak and show our passion. We need to be compassionate enough.

My dear friend, you need to nurture your creativity. So instead of sitting for a couple of hours and tiring your eye, isn’t is better that you move out and socialize. If you are unable to move out due to certain compulsions you may watch advertisements. They are creations that speak in just 10 seconds.

Try to understand the time and month of a particular advertisement or you may analyse a particular player used to appear in the ad and now he is not there. There might be multiple aspects to analyse. You may ask, why all this is required. Friend, we all need to analyse because such analysis stimulates our mind and re-activates it. It freshen us up.

Another option is to use the channel that is global. Yes, it is internet. I am not asking you to be social media and spend time there. My simple idea is that if you are a writer, write small couplets and share it. If you an artist then show your art to the world. If you cook, make the people feel the taste over the internet. They can be N number of talents in you and the world has a section of people who wish to see your creativity. You can be part of such groups.

You may come with a business idea or you may like to work for certain social cause. Dear, you can move one step at a time. But when you make a team or group then you multiply your output beyond imagination.

Dear friend, there is a term called opportunity loss. Watching television or spending time in a futile manner can hurdle your habit of reading, writing or socializing. You have a sense of art and you can’t do injustice to it. You have a flair for social work so go ahead with that na!

You never want to waste you time, i know that better than you. So you may get get up in the morning and plan for the day. Do certain physical exercise; it is going to boost you up for the day ahead. If the day doesn’t cheer you up and you don’t feel inspired then you need to introspect and do something other than the routine. Your life is just a bubble in this universe. But for you and your near & dear ones, you are the universe.

Reciprocate in the best possible manner. Laugh a while, bring smiles on their faces. Give them surprises and engage yourself. If required and you can afford, change your field. But don’t be passive. Be an inspiration for someone. If you can’t find someone whom you can make smile, don’t underestimate yourself. There are people who love you and wish to see you smiling and happy, even if you unaware of such fellows. It can be your daughter or your bestie, your pet. So, live for yourself. Live for them.

Live, relieve and re-live! Happy day ahead!

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