By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala
From time immemorial there has always been one person who wishes to see us being healthy and hearty. Yes, it’s our good old friend-the doctor.There’s an age-old proverb too which completes it. It goes, “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
Doctors always are the bright spark in people’s lives. They treat patients in a therapeutic way, thus bringing a healthy, holistic life to the people.
Hence one day is completely dedicated to their community in order to bring out the best in their skills and learning. July 1st is celebrated as Doctor’s Day. Their skills are embedded in the idea that each individual brought to them is suffering from a different ailment.
The doctor through his intelligence, knowledge and experience offers treatment exclusively for that person. Various people have a different body constitution, based on this their treatment is delivered. He/ She has to take utmost care in writing a prescription as even the wrong dosage of medicine could lead to severe health problems.
Doctors are the vanguard of people’s health. But of late, this profession has turned commercial. Poor patients are charged exorbitantly high amount of money for treating illnesses.
The Government Hospitals do not have a proper system of functioning, with very less staff. Private hospitals engage in umpteen number of tests for the patients in order to diagnose even a simple illness. This can be avoided.
Timely help and treatment would go a long way in making people’s lives better. Due to changing lifestyles, various life-threatening diseases have emerged like that of cancer. It should be the goal of doctors to conduct awareness programs for the public especially in the villages for preventing this disease.
The highlight of this program should be to focus on the underprivileged sections of society. Doctors are the future caretakers of the country’s citizens. In their hands alone, lies a life to be saved. This profession is a profession of concern.
Wishing all the Doctors “A Very Happy Doctor’s Day”.