Digital India–A Road To Developed India

By: Pragya Singh, Asstt. Editor-ICN

LUCKNOW: Digital India was launched by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on 1 July 2015 with an objective of connecting rural areas with high-speed Internet networks and improving digital literacy.

The vision of Digital India programme is inclusive growth in areas of electronic services, products, manufacturing and job opportunities. It is centered on three key areas – digital infrastructure as a utility to every citizen, governance and services on demand, and digital empowerment of citizens. A programme to transform India into digital empowered society and knowledge economy. It would ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically.

Internet subscribers had increased to 500 million in India as of April 2017. India is now adding approximately 10 million daily active internet users monthly, which is the highest rate of addition to the internet community anywhere in the world

Our lives has changed drastically due to digitalization and technology. If I look back 5 years ago, it was a tough task to transfer money to someone in a different city or country but now it’s just a 2 minute online process through Internet banking and the Bank apps , online shopping has made our lives so easy that it’s just a click away to buy anything now.

Ten years back we used internet mostly for Facebook , mails and Google but now we use it for Navigation through Google Maps, for booking tickets online , and a lot more Apps like Paytm , WatsApp, Bank Apps , Amazon, etc. Before 10 years, a smart phone was a dream but now everyone has a smartphone. Our lives has been made so easy through the technology and digitalization.

It aimed to nurture a Digital India thereby making every household and every individual digitally empowered. It aims to make every household digitally literate with a goal to make India the Global Knowledge hub, with IT being a major driver and engine of growth.  IT is a great enabler for empowerment, equity and efficiency.


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