By: Vijay Kumar Verma ( Editor-ICN Group )

In the pursuit of the Yam and Niyam of Ashtang Yog,  a host of mental blocks and difficulties are encountered.  And that is natural. It is not easy to tread the path of these stringent rules and regulations that are self imposed virtually. One needs to resolve to follow them by mann, Vachan and Karma with determination.

In the normal course one understands the violence as hitting or hurting or injuring or meting out of physical attack on the other.  But indeed violence is of various kinds which are beyond physical. Voilence of speech of thoughts and of any action leading to harming the other must be avoided. Broadly violence of three kinds.

First kind of violence is done through self in thoughts, speech or action.

Second kind of violence is not  doing  self but instigating the other to do which is more prevalent.

Third kind of violence is not only instigating the other but also appreciating the wrong doer and promoting it.

Then there are three sub categories of violence. These are caused due to:

(a) Greed – violence meted out for property, materialistic gains etc by self or through another person. It is aimed at amassing wealth by way of illegal means.

(b) Anger – violence towards someone who has harmed us in anyway. That is an instant provocation leading to querral.

(c) Affection – related violence is to derive benefit for the self or close relative.

One must remember that not only doing violence or any other wrong doing by self or instigating the other to do it or to commend the others’ such works amounts to violence.

The benefits of non violence is multi faceted. It also benefits all those who come in contact with such a person. How is it possible that others close a peaceful individual will be ever be violent towards him?. They will also automatically  stop such acts of anger, greed and tormenting others.

Not only humans but violent animals and insects will also not harm such a non-violent person. It is true that animals have a still deeper instinct and unless provocated they will not attack. Have you ever seen people taming wild animals and playing with them. These animals do understand the language of love through the eyes.

I have personally experienced in day to day life walking and sitting close to scores of monkeys, street dogs,  poisonous insects that they never harm me.

The benefits of such karmas can be derived only through following them by mann, Vachan,  and Karma. Just try to practice and believe yourself.

Aayshmaan bhavah!

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