Of Biscuits and Happiness…

By: Dr. Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala This powder-filled delicacy. Clinches its deals with me. While the whole world and its cares Cling to me like bears. Its dusty flavour entices me Leaves me in a clutter of emotions. Lying down in bed I begin dreaming of biscuits. Some creamy, some salty. Puts me in a frenzy Of ecstasy and delight. While I take in bite- by-bite. Last Lockdown I reinstated my love for it. While I tasted and enjoyed every bite. It tastes creamier and heavenly. None can match its…

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By: Barnali Bose, Editor-ICN World Disclaimer: The following analysis is meant for amusement purpose only and the reader is requested to read it “with a pinch of salt”. When in Rome do as the Romans do: The reverse, I believe is true. If you do as stated, you’ll be lost in the crowd and can never be the one among many. You have to do things differently if you wish to get noticed and receive acclaim. So, ‘When in Rome, do as the Americans do, do as the Greeks do or…

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Food Security: Irradiation Technology Essential To Minimise Post Harvest Losses

By: Rakesh Lohumi, Sr. Editor-ICN Group SHIMLA: Extensive use of irradiation technology to minimise post-harvest crop losses is imperative to ensure food security in a developing country like India with meagre land resources and a burgeoning population. Increasing production alone will not help given the unacceptably high levels of post-harvest losses which wipe out more than one-third of the total food and foodgrain production. While exact data for post-harvest crop losses is not available various independent studies and government reports estimate the losses from 35 to 55 percent. Globally the magnitude of…

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By: Dr. Samayug Bhowmik, Bureau Chief-ICN West Bengal KOLKATA : There has been  a recent outbreak of Dengue fever and an alarming spurt in the number of cases. Its morbidities and mortalities has made it mandatory for one and all to be equipped with relevant guidelines  to manage a dengue victim. Remember,  a stitch in time saves nine If a patient has  fever, low or high grade, he must  be tested for Dengue along with Malaria and Complete Blood Count. Do blood test after 24 hours of onset of fever, not before that.…

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10 Caspian Sea Facts You Must Know

By: Tejeshwar Singh Rana, Captain-Merchant Navy & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN The Caspian Sea lies in Eastern Europe, at the border between Europe and Asia. As the largest inland water body on Earth, it has been vital to the economy of the surrounding regions. With a wealth of marine flora and fauna, the Caspian Sea covers nearly 0.4 million square kilometres of area and has an average depth of over 1 kilometre. It spans 7,000 kilometres of coastline covering 5 different nations on both continents. Numerous islands dot the Caspian’s surface, and…

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Decode: Anxiety v/s Fear

By: Abhinav Malhotra, Bureau Chief ICN Punjab & Corporate Brand Manager ZDL Zodiacal Pharmaceutics Pvt Ltd The thin demarcation that demands spotlight In the words of the Revered Swami Vivekananda Ji “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear” CHANDIGARH: Beginning the article on a positive yet pragmatic note, we will dive deep into the mystery of “fear” and the modern misused term “anxiety”. First, let us learn the basic definition of both the terms and understand the semantics. Fear Anxiety   As per the definition extrapolated from the National…

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Cape Town: An Affair To Remember…​

By: Anoop Sood Indians are the new emerging class of “great international travelers”- large in numbers, e​asy spenders and moving around in hordes.​ Nations vie with each other to market themselves as preferred destinations for these “great Indian tourists” and tour operators are delighted to grab the business opportunity.​ Bollywood has served as an effective marketing tool. It was famous producer director Yash Chopra who first started shooting movies in Switzerland. Today movies are shot in every country, East Europe being the latest to join.  And the Indians are everywhere. Switzerland, France, Austria, England,…

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By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group An innocent baby is  ever  watching , reading and perceiving , It , as to be her own – doll or  even younger – sister . Playing with a naturally  hanging , dancing and growing , As if  an – auspicious , colorful – instinct’s – blister .   Child is just a child , all open , nothing – hidden , Not even–in  false – hood , they ever manipulate . Differentiating neither nest – cleft , nor hive – den , Un – aware…

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What is a Logistics Cycle

By : Tejeshwar Singh Rana, Chief Officer-Merchant Navy & Associate Editor-ICN What is a logistics cycle? We know that logistics is all about the efficient coordination of activities involved in the procurement and redistribution of goods and materials. Logistics mainly comprises of but is not limited to procuring goods or materials, storing them, and redistributing to customers. Trading activities of most business organizations across the world go through the logistics cycle. It may include various other ancillary activities such as transporting, packaging, packing, labelling, etc., to name a few. Manufacturers,…

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