Marks Can Make Or Mar A Career

By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala Marks play a crucial role in the lives of students at every level be it in the primary, elementary, advanced, intermediate or collegiate levels and research. It determines the level of competency in a student and further on in job scenarios ratings are accorded for performance driven roles.It polishes and fine tunes their existing skill sets and gives sufficient improvement for further growth prospects. A good student always aims for higher and better marks no matter what the evaluation patterns are. It reminds me…

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Mouth Breathing: An Often Neglected Condition With Long Term Health Consequences

By: Dr. Amay Tripathi, Associate Editor-ICN Group LUCKNOW: Breathing provides our body the most important fuel of life- oxygen. It also allows us to release carbon dioxide and waste. Proper breathing ensures good health and vitality. Some people have the habit of breathing from mouth. But mouth breathing is not just another habit as it can lead to a variety of diseases and disorders. We have two air passageways to our lungs — the nose and the mouth. Healthy people use both their nose and their mouth to breathe. Breathing through the…

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Invasive Weeds Undermining Farm Productivity, Biodiversity

By: Rakesh Lohumi, Sr. Editor-ICN Group SHIMLA: The Himalayas are a treasure house of medicinal and aromatic plants.With no effective strategy to thwart the march of invasive alien species, which pose a major threat to the indigenous flora, more and more area is being usurped by weeds like lantana, ageratum, parthenium (Congress grass) and eupatorium. The appearance of large gregarious patches of these weeds from the Himalayan foothills in the north to the Tamil Nadu in the south is a matter of grave concern as they pose a serious threat to the…

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Spanish flu 1918: When The Millions Of People Were Died In The World

By: Mohammad Salim Khan, Sr. Sub Editor-ICN Group SAHASWAN/BUDAUN: At this time not only India but most of the countries of the world are coping with the heroic epidemic called Corona with great valor.  As soon as Corona’s name comes, a common man gets scared in front of him.This terrible disease has not only brought the country but also the economic system of most of the countries on the ground. Due to this epidemic there is another loss of lives and on the other hand, there is also a livelihood crisis…

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AFRICA: An Example Of Wounded Culture And Economy

By: Subhashini, Asstt. Editor-ICN NEW DELHI: It is known that the development of language as a medium of expression is the key factor of communication and is also responsible for the growth of a culture as well as education. History itself is the witness in case of Africa, where language originated initially. It is accepted in almost every part of the world that the language of Egypt influenced the Greek and Latin languages; even though these two languages are Indo-European. On a broader scale, the roots of most of the European languages…

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The Humane Side Of Lockdown

By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala Since the Indian Imperialist regime ended 73 years back, many an Indian has felt liberated in both body and spirit. The Freedom to do things freely, to possess a liberalistic attitude and most importantly to break the chains of narrow mindedness is inculcated in people’s minds.  Currently we are in a new political situation which was not experienced before. The Lockdown has brought our lives to a screeching halt. Though it was mainly done for achieving an infection- free society sans virus, homo sapiens…

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Biofortification-To Overcome Malnutrition

By: Dr. Shweta, Deptt. of Genetics & Plant Breeding C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech. Kanpur & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Biofortification is the process by which the nutritional quality of food crops is improved for a feasible and cost-effective means of delivering micronutrients to populations that may have limited access to diverse diets and other micronutrient interventions. This is agriculture-based method of addressing micronutrient deficiency through plant breeding works.All over the world people in farm households in developing countries are now growing and co mmmnsuming biofortified crops. Micronutrient deficiencies afflict quite 2 billion people, or one in three…

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group  PART-THREE None of  the living  beings  on  this planet have ever seen  or imagined about the practicing , dealing or going through a  situation called “ Lock – Down “ . Books do have elaborate mention about it but situations never became so lethal bring this entire Globe under precautions under a “ Lock – Down “. Could  anyone on  this Earth ever relate his  or  her thinking to the present situation ? Did any  of  the dreams in any person’s mind ever spell out…

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Dara Shikoh: A Learned And Gifted Scholar Or Doomed Prince?

By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem, Editor-ICN Group  NEW DELHI: It is often a debatable issue that who among the four sons of the great Mughal king, Shahjahan was the most gifted and learned and true to his expectations. He had four sons, Dara Shikoh, Shah Shuja, Murad Baksh and Aurangzeb and three daughters Jahanara, Roshanara and Gauharara. Had the great king erred in judging the true capabilities of his sons? Had he assigned the task of his kingdom according to the qualities to rule the country, the violent skirmishes which had taken…

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Summer Precautions: What happens When You Don’t Drink Enough Water

By: Garima Lohumi Drinking plenty of water will help you reduce the chances of getting kidney stones, gastrointestinal and urinary tract cancer, and heart attack. Scientific endeavours exploring the possibility of life beyond earth have invariably focussed on ascertaining the availability of water on various planets.  Indeed, water is key to existence of all forms of life, there can be no life without water. Every organism is made up of water. It is one of the prime elements essential for the survival of all breathing creatures-  plants, insects, animals, and humans. They…

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