Quality Protein Maize: A Solution for Nutritional Security

By: Prof. R K Yadav (Deptt of Genetics and Plant Breeding C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech. Kanpur & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group) and Dr. Shweta (Asstt. Professor) KANPUR: Maize (Zea mays), known in some English speaking countries as corn. In India, maize ranks 3rd after rice and wheat. Maize grown throughout the country ranging from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Improving nutritional quality of agricultural crops is a noble goal. Improving nutritional quality in cereal crops is particularly important as the benefits can easily spread to hundreds of millions of people in…

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Stress Sickness- A Major Pain

By: Poornima Dubey ( Bureau-Ayodhya/Faizabad )  The stress affects the mind-body connection and increases the risk for many diseases. AYODHYA: In this high tech era, every person is going through a major pain of his life – the highly respective and horrifying part of mind status. Yes, you guessed it right; it is the ‘STRESS’. This stress word is itself a horror that is very harmful. But these days we make our life under the dark shades. Our hectic lifestyle gives the problem which we call as STRESS SICKNESS. Actually stress sickness…

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Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Which Won’t Bite Humans Are In The Pipeline…

By: Dr. Ripudaman Singh (Special Correspondent-ICN Group) & Hemant Kumar ( Agriculture Correspondent-ICN Group) NEW DELHI: Mosquitoes genetically engineered not to smell humans may offer a big relief to tourists who have seen their summer holidays ruined by itchy bites. The mosquitoes which are most effective when it comes to transmitting disease are those that have become highly used to feeding on humans. Efforts to prevent the spread of malaria by killing mosquitoes with insecticides are proving problematic, because they quickly become resistant to the chemicals. Now, the US Defense Department has…

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By: Poornima Dubey( Bureau-Ayodhya/Fiazabad ) AYODHYA: As many responsible citizens of this world , you are also  taking several steps to reduce carbon footprint at home, dutifully recycle your wastes each week, replace all the incandescent light bulbs in your home by LEDs or CFLs  but even then also you are burdening our universe with great effect of light spilling very much by a major problem of artificial lightening  at its peak named as luminous pollution means the excessive, misdirected or invasive use of artificial outdoor lighting. This form of pollution…

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By: Rakesh Lohumi ( Sr. Editor-ICN GROUP ) SHIMLA: Hydropower plants and road projects are taking a heavy toll of the ever depleting forest reserves in Himachal Pradesh which is having the lowest green cover among the Himalayan hill states. Being a renewable source of energy hydropower projects are largely considered to be environment friendly but they account for bulk of the forest land diverted for non-forestry use. In fact, hydropower plants and road projects have together gobbled up 80 percent of the 12005 hectare of forests diverted since the…

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Stevenson-Johnson Syndrome: Sometimes A Blister On Lip Is Much More Than It Appears

By: Dr. Ameya Tripathi ( Special Correspondent-ICN Group ) LUCKNOW: These days we frequently hear about things like drug-resistant and genetically adapted forms of various disease causing microbes and bugs. Time and again we are alarmed by the extent to which people have developed the habit of pill-popping or self-prescription for all kinds of illnesses. In India, especially, this is prevalent due to several factors like availability of medicines without prescription, immoral practice of quackery, lack of public awareness and so on. All this is just one facet of the overall…

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Biodegradable Plastics: Finding The Market

By: Prof. Jaswant Singh( Member-Indian Scientific Expedition To Antarctica & Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group)  Biodegradable plastics also have versatile applications such as plastic grocery bags, disposable containers, personal care products, agricultural plastics, medical devices etc. Plastics have become a very important and essential commodity in the life of modern man because of its durability, strength, flexibility, light weight and low cost of production. Plastic in the environment has been regarded as more of an aesthetic nuisance since the material is biologically inert and nonbiodegradable. More than 90% of the plastic…

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Civet Coffee: India Starts Producing World’s Most Expensive Coffee

By: Dr. Ripudaman Singh (Special Correspondent ICN Group) & Hemant Kumar ( Agriculture Correspondent ICN Group) Civet coffee, a drink of the elite consumed widely in the Gulf nations and Europe, sell for Rs 20,000-25000/kg abroad. NEW DELHI: India, Asia’s third largest producer and exporter of coffee, has started producing the world’s most-expensive coffee. It is being made on a small scale in Karnataka’s Coorg district, from the poop of civet cat. The civet coffee, also known as luwark coffee is expensive because of the uncommon method of producing it. It…

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One Of The Most Respected Geologists Of India: Prof. Talat Ahmad

By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem ( Chief News Editor, ICN Group ) NEW DELHI: We are living in an age of uncertainty and insecurity. Vulnerability to our lives and property has increased manifold in recent times. Constantly we are fighting with the natural calamities like flood, deluge, earthquake, tsunami and other such disasters. Of late, many Indian states like Gujarat, Rajasthan have passed through one of the worst phases of flood where many precious lives have been lost and wealth of billions of rupees has been washed out. Who can forget the…

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By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem (Chief News Editor-ICN Group) NEW DELHI: Prof. Jaswant Singh is one of the foremost scientists of India, who has the honor of Participating in the 22nd and 24thIndian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica. He was also a Member- Task Force for the “Third Indian Station at Antarctica”, at Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. He has also contributed immensely and worthwhile as an Expert Member-District level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA). He has been serving as the Head, Department of Environmental Sciences, Dr. R. M. L. Avadh University, Fiazabad, U.P. India for the…

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