By: Rakesh Lohumi, Sr. Editor-ICN Group The modern reinforced cement concrete (RCC) buildings are vulnerable to damage during quakes as they lack flexibility and unsuitable climatically. SHIMLA: Moderate tremors, like the one which shook parts of northwest region last night, are a constant reminder for the Himalayan States and the people that they are sitting on a geological bomb that could explode any time. There has been an increase in frequency of such tremors in recent years but still no long term preventive measures are put in place to mitigate fall…
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China’s War On Foreign Garbage May Prove To Be Counter Productive
By: Dr. Ripudaman Singh, Asstt. Editor ICN Group & Hemant Kumar, Special Correspondent ICN Group NEW DELHI: China’s position as the global manufacturing leader means that for many years China has also been the largest global importer of many types of recyclable materials. In 2017, Chinese Manufacturer imported nearly 7.3 million metric tones of waste plastics from developed countries, including the UK, the EU, the US and Japan. However, in July 2017, China announced big changes in the quality control placed on imported materials, notifying the World Trade Organization (WTO) that it…
Read MoreIIT Kharagpur Scientists Use Onion Skin To Generate Electricity
By: Dr. Ripudaman Singh, Asstt. Editor-ICN Group & Hemant Kumar, Special Correspondent-ICN Group NEW DELHI: A pathbreaking research by scientists at IIT-Kharagpur (IITKgp) has shown the way to generate electricity from onion peel. Esteries left with bags of the waste product can now turn them into a power source – the skin of a single can light up 12 green LEDs. Professor Bhanu Bhusan Khatua, Sumanta Kumar Karan (a PhD scholar) and their team at the Material Science Centre (MSC) of IIT Kgp have developed the green technology after a year-long…
Read MoreCSE Releases New Global Study On Dumping Of Used And Old Vehicles
By: Dr. Dakter Esse, Editor-ICN About 80-90 per cent of vehicles imported to Africa are old and used. Emissions of toxic pollutants, heat-trapping greenhouse gases and black carbon are worsening public health and climate change risks. NEW DELHI: New Delhi (India)-based think tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), in a new global study ‘Clunkered: Combating Dumping of Used Vehicles — A roadmap for Africa and South Asia’, ( has lifted the lid on the dark underbelly of a large-scale global trade in old and used vehicles from high income to low and middle…
Read MoreHawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Started Erupting Again, Trump Approves Disaster Aid
Kilauea is one of the world’s most active volcanos and one of five on the island.The Kilauea Volcano has been erupting nearly continuously since early May. LOS ANGELES: The continuous eruption of Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano created a tiny new island off the coast, which shortly disappeared, officials said Monday. Kilauea has been active since 1983, with 61 USGS-recorded eruptions. It’s one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and for the past few months it’s been in a period of heightened activity. According to the United States Geological Survey…
Read MoreProf. Jaswant Singh: His New Scientific Expedition to Arctic
By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem, Chief News Editor-ICN Group NEW DELHI: It is a matter of pleasure for the Indian scientists that it’s one of the members, Prof. Jaswant Singh has been chosen as a distinguished member of the Expedition of Arctic. There are eighth members in this team and it will complete its work in 38 days. They will take up multiple research there, mainly, they will try to know the effects of ultraviolet rays on plants. Prof. Jaswant Singh is one of the foremost scientists of India, who has…
Read MoreThink, Eat and Save the Environment
By: Prof. Jaswant Singh, Member-Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group Every year, June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day with a new theme.This year the theme is “BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION” According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted. This is equivalent to the same amount produced in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, 1 in every 7 people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age…
Read MoreBiotechnological Advances in Agriculture
By: Prof. R K Yadav (Deptt of Genetics and Plant Breeding C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech. Kanpur & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group) KANPUR: Agriculture production in India has increased considerably during the last five decades largely due to the development and large scale cultivation of high-yielding dwarf varieties of rice and wheat, and greater applications of water and nutrients. This increase in food production has made India self-sufficient and contributed tremendously to food security. However, the population expected to reach 1.8 billion in 2050 will impose great demand for increased food…
By: Dr. Ripudaman Singh (Special Correspondent ICN Group) & Hemant Kumar ( Agriculture Correspondent ICN Group) NEW DELHI: Electricity is the only zero-emission option now available for vehicles, although emissions in the generation of electricity at the power plant are unavoidable. The issue of blending of ethanol with petrol in the country has been under examination for more than two decades. All the reports had confirmed the technical viability of blending ethanol with petrol for use lowering harmful engine emissions and reducing environmental pollutions the Supreme Court had made a beginning for clean environment…
Read MoreMouth Breathing: An often neglected condition with long term health consequences
By: Dr. Amay Tripathi, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: Breathing provides our body the most important fuel of life- oxygen. It also allows us to release carbon dioxide and waste. Proper breathing ensures good health and vitality. Some people have the habit of breathing from mouth. But mouth breathing is not just another habit as it can lead to a variety of diseases and disorders. We have two air passageways to our lungs — the nose and the mouth. Healthy people use both their nose and their mouth to breathe. Breathing through the…
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