Knowledge Exchange

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Knowledge is a treasure which is always less. Whatever we gather , we consider as less. Is a drop in the Ocean, much – more is the guess, Ever – striving & eager , running – further to fetch. Ever- thirsty to know, ever hungry to learn, Ever all -we –grow , yet knowledge to earn. Never full or overflow, whatever we churn, Ever in put to show, un needed to burn. Water, when in current, purifies inherent, Closed ponds’ contents, implies  deterrent. Pond- rivers’…

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Our feelings and  emotions, ever tend, To create and change our state of mind. It comes from, one’s core and well pretend, To own our being’s full fore or behind. This state of mind ,jolts , one’s emotional core, Creating similar feelings , filled there in. In every aspect and fact, it comes before, Dissolving it in the fluid, to smear –there – in. Such state of being, be it either sad or glad, Renews the feelings and even  persona. And it proves, some times…

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Hai Ram Ke Wajood Par Hindustan Ko Naaz, Ahle Nazar Samajhte Hain Usko Imam-e-Hind

By: Eram Fatima, Asstt. Editor-ICN NEW DELHI: In India, millions and millions of people not only worship Ram, but also admire and emulate him as a great role model.In Indian culture, nothing can equate with the ethos of our ancient culture and tradition other than the great teachings of Rama. In Urdu literature and culture, Ramayana has always been revered and taken as a great literary treasure and around three hundred different versions of Ramayana in translation and other forms got published in Urdu from time to time since 1857.…

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Between Sad And World

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group There may be various reasons to become sad. As soon as one becomes sad, he is “ Worldly Bad “. Eats sorrow, thinks and uses calamities, wears clad, Drinks the ocean of tears, within, openly glad. One can be very happy by rains, others not, Clouds do carry their effects, as we perceive. Sky, clouds, rains on earth, regularly we got, But well talked about, “Horizons”, ever deceive. Rains are our beings and sun rays, happiness, Once, both cooperate, we see a  “ Rainbow ”.…

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A Soft Squeal

By: Amitabh Dixit, Editor-ICN Life is a long journey starts with a Soft squeal………. And runs towards the end with tears…………… In between Lot many roses reflect their fragrance Lot many times bumble bees dance around them We don’t count. How many times sun wraps us with its warmth? How many times moon comes and knocks secretly on our doors We don’t listen. How many times the Hawk cuckoo bird expresses its enthusiasm on the sound of clouds How many times the Kite of butterflies gets itself tied with the threads of wind………

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Life is a boon, auspiciously provided by the nature, It is not similar, still fixed in prudent armature. Time granted to live here old, or even to die immature To put best possible deeds, to please all, by our nature. Life may be small, medium or even prolonged one, It all depends on the nature’s will, to please none. What so ever be the case, it is similar to none, Only one aspect resembles, but expiry of none. Normal life is one, which lives ideal…

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The River Wanders….Flows

By: Amitabh Dixit, Editor-ICN The river wanders…..rambles……roves Flows continuously The river does not know why it wanders….Why roves…….why rambles……… Why flows….. Hiding the children of swagger wandering clouds under its lap Covering & wrapping all of them with a touch of love in its chest The river passes through so many low & high paths The river does not know why it passes The river bless the forest gives them life How big the river’s pane is …. The tree of civilizations stands on the same River is light as…

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By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group LUCKNOW: Suhail Kakorvi is too close to me to assess and understand him accurately. It is always scientifically true that an object just adjacent to our eyes always looks blurred and the same thing repeatedly happens with me for Suhail Kakorvi.  Every time, he picks a strange gem out from his unbounded treasure. I was amazed when he penned ‘Aamnama’ and created a record to place entire book in verse on an individual fruit and his this wonderful task is duly registered…

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Wandering in the darkness of the world, Though with sight, I am subjected to thwarts. On every generous step, I went forward, As far as I remember, I got the rough words. Seeing is believing, was applicable once, It is not pertinent always in real sense. It appears all together different response, With reality hidden in it’s inner dense. People as seen are not ever so in fact, They may or may not be so genuine exact. The same as they appear with us…

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Remembering The Emperor Of Novels Munshi Premchand On His 139th Birth Anniversary

India is today celebrating the 139th birth anniversary of the famous Hindi writer Munshi Premchand. He began writing under the pen name “Nawab Rai” but switched to Premchand.  Premchand’s stories imparted wisdom.They made the readers ponder over the moralities, truth and realities of the world we live in.His works include more than a dozen novels, around 250 short stories, several essays and translations of a number of foreign literary works into Hindi. Initially known as Dhanpat Rai Shrivastava, Premchand was born on 31 July 1880 in Lamhi, a village located near Varanasi, UP.He…

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