“Deadly New Disease“

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group O’ Deadly , O’ disastrous , O’ Mankind’s Enemy , O’ World’s New  Disease ,  We , The Human Race on  the Earth’s Crease are shivering with your may .  O’ Mercy , please come in our laments , as healing touch, O’ Our Souls’ ease , Shower your grace , O’ God , on your children living with fear and  dismay . Your World is trembling , feeling  unsecure , scared of  some invisible Virus , Entire Human Race  on this planet feels  uneasy…

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group A pain or uneasiness in any organ of body, Distortion of any sort, hidden or embody. Incapacity of any part, partial or Jody, It irks him directly or indirectly to any body. Replacement and tuning of tissues, take place, Under the ordinary course of natural race. It makes the people live happy, at own place, It is the human physiology which ever takes place. Even then, all do not proceed ever well, Some of the organs stop responding tell. Others do cooperate with these incapable,…

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An Attack On Science, On Our Deeds Or On Humanity ?

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group We,“ The Human Beings “ are really highly developed and  superiors , Amongst  all living  beings on this planet , irrespective of all  bounds .  We  live , perform , deal , interrelate to  live well with all these inferiors , Does our such supremacy become rough , at  times , or cruel it sounds ? We seldom remember that our  every step on this Earth , is  supported ,  By so many natural arounds , who are silently  busy helping our deeds . When…

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“When A Virus Attacks Our Human-Race“

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group None  could see , none realized , what  our race perceived ? Which  simply came  riding our fellow  citizens , to live in us . From  where it  came ? where  to go ? what duty  it received ? Shattered is  the World , chaotic brains , thinking random fuss . None  of the numerous eyes  on the Earth , could even see , Receptors  of sense remained unaware of  it’s nasty arrival . So  small  in size that skin could  not feel or give…

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Nature has regularly provided us either, Day or night, at a time, factually, rather. We feel and enjoy, exactly & not farther, Just which is prevailing, nothing either. Our feelings vary, as per prevailing factors, Accordingly, we express or imply these sectors. All these are ours, helping us as vectors, As long as there are no adverse – factors. We feel relieved and light, while in pleasure, Otherwise is our might, in full-dark- weather.. Having friends and followers in bulk as treasure, In all our…

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Between Sad And World

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group There may be various reasons to become sad. As soon as one becomes sad, he is “ Worldly Bad “. Eats sorrow, thinks and uses calamities, wears clad, Drinks the ocean of tears, within, openly glad. One can be very happy by rains, others not, Clouds do carry their effects, as we perceive. Sky, clouds, rains on earth, regularly we got, But well talked about, “Horizons”, ever deceive. Rains are our beings and sun rays, happiness, Once, both cooperate, we see a  “ Rainbow ”.…

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“Tears,The True Friends“

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group  Emotions of any kind, affect and melt the core, It fills in, then flows, affectionately  to our eyes. They dissolve one’s being in it, even before, Draining to fill  and be in our situation –felt – eyes. Emotions and being, thus so fully dissolved in, The natural secretion , called tears, and fills. Coming as true friends, in every situations’ Din, Remain intact in all  ,glad –sad, as Heart’s –Bills. These tiny drops, draining via eyes, to say, Never leave me alone, be what the…

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By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group There are many factors in life, Which affect our routine strife. Money is one of these types, It does have an important role to drive. Money changes nature of a person, It affects in a way, it is acquired. Changes less, if got in an ethical process, And much, when an illicit way is hired.. Those well-known & well- wishers of mine, Not against me even in their dreams Got engaged in some illicit works’ shine, Inflow of money, changed their mind-screens. Overflow of undeserved…

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“ God’s – Grants “

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group All the grants of Almighty are ever precious, We thank Him ,for these,  from core of our hearts. We have to do our best ever and auspicious, For all others here, as our duties’ parts. It is the grace of creator that , human beings are we, And gave us opportunity to live here, so well. The entire “ Natural – World” that we deal, live and see, Is fully free for us, as to use, keep, feel and tell. This gracious –physique with full…

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“The Six Ethics of Life“

By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group We , the human beings ,    are ever emotion al with , The   owner   of Universe, The Almighty, The All Win . We feel, we weep , we sow and reap , ever perceiving God –with, Before I pray , any   way, I must believe –fully  in . Words are assets , well thought and properly controlled , Become our liability , while picked up un weighed , given  in. One must read, mean, consider, the words , so rolled, Before…

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