Pneumonia: Prevention Is Better Than Cure

By: Dr. Samayug Bhowmik, Bureau Chief-ICN West Bengal KOLKATA: Now many of us are experiencing cough and cold with or without fever which is often ignored. Gradually when it progresses to develop more intense complication, the victim lands up  in a doctor’s chamber. But owing to this delay, the disease affects the lungs and often manifests into Pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that may cause severe illness in people of all ages. It is a life threatening condition and a leading cause for death worldwide. Our body is usually…

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Summer Precautions : What happens When You Don’t Drink Enough Water

By: Garima Lohumi, Bureau Chief-ICN Himachal Pradesh Drinking plenty of water will help you reduce the chances of getting kidney stones, gastrointestinal and urinary tract cancer, and heart attack. Scientific endeavours exploring the possibility of life beyond earth have invariably focussed on ascertaining the availability of water on various planets.  Indeed, water is key to existence of all forms of life, there can be no life without water. Every organism is made up of water. It is one of the prime elements essential for the survival of all breathing creatures-  plants, insects,…

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By: Barnali Bose, Editor-ICN World Disclaimer: The following analysis is meant for amusement purpose only and the reader is requested to read it “with a pinch of salt”. When in Rome do as the Romans do: The reverse, I believe is true. If you do as stated, you’ll be lost in the crowd and can never be the one among many. You have to do things differently if you wish to get noticed and receive acclaim. So, ‘When in Rome, do as the Americans do, do as the Greeks do or…

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Ethanol : An Antidote For Sugarcane Farmers

By: Hardik Murarka, Executive Editor-ICN Group India is the second largest producer of sugarcane after Brazil and more than 50 million people are associated directly or indirectly from sugarcane industry for their livelihood. But due to glut in sugar market, the mills are not in best of financial position thus there is an inability to pay the mandatory fair and remunerative price (FRP) for sugarcane to the farmers.The reason for cash strapped mils is excessive production of sugar. It has become a national problem. In 2017-18 and 2018-19, annual sugar production…

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Mouth Breathing: An Often Neglected Condition With Long Term Health Consequences

By: Dr. Amay Tripathi, Bureau Chief-ICN UP LUCKNOW: Breathing provides our body the most important fuel of life- oxygen. It also allows us to release carbon dioxide and waste. Proper breathing ensures good health and vitality. Some people have the habit of breathing from mouth. But mouth breathing is not just another habit as it can lead to a variety of diseases and disorders. We have two air passageways to our lungs — the nose and the mouth. Healthy people use both their nose and their mouth to breathe. Breathing through the…

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Remembering The Creator of Mother’s Day : Anna Jarvis

Mother’s Day honors “the best mother who ever lived your mother,” according to Anna Jarvis. Happy Mother’s Day to one and all. Today is Mother’s Day, a celebration that dates back to 1905, when a woman named Anna Jarvis started a campaign for a national holiday to recognize “the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world.” The founder of Mother’s Day was not a mother herself. Anna Jarvis created the holiday to honor her late mother, Ann. Mothers day is celebrated on the second Sunday of…

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The Suffering of Mankind

By : Abhinav Malhotra, Associate Editor-ICN World A detailed analysis of the Russia-Ukraine war and its long- lasting Implications “The World is the great Gymnasium where you come to make yourselves strong”  -Swami Vivekananda CHANDIGARH : Certainly, this resplendent quote by Swami Vivekananda Ji has been absorbed by the 21st Century World leaders in the wrong sense. Swami Vivekananda refers to this globe as a Gymnasium that makes an individual strong and resilient enough to face all odds and still lead a blissful life. But here the commanders are flexing…

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Media in India : How to Face the Challenge of Credibility Crisis

By: Prof. Pradeep Mathur NEW DELHI: India is a vast country which is home to different castes, creeds, and communities with their different traditions and ways of life. This diversity defines India’s socio-cultural structure and political super-structure which is the subject matter of media content writing. The media content   concerning issues of governance and development  is now a matter of intense debate  as concerns are being expressed by all stakeholders about declining standards and professional ethics of  journalism in our country. To address the issue let us have a look at the…

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Importance Of Indigenous Traditional Crops For Nutritional Security

By: Dr. Shweta, Deptt. of Genetics & Plant Breeding C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech. Kanpur & Executive Editor-ICN KANPUR: India is considered as homeland for many indigenous and traditional crops associated with culture and traditions of people living a particular region. There are many food crops which are important for food and nutritional security but traditional crops which are embedded in our cultural and rituals adapted to local environment and are also socially acceptable. Traditional food crops which are associated with different native communities of the country basically include crops…

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Pneumonia : Prevention Is Better Than Cure

By : Dr. Samayug Bhowmik, Bureau Chief-ICN West Bengal KOLKATA: Now many of us are experiencing cough and cold with or without fever which is often ignored. Gradually when it progresses to develop more intense complication, the victim lands up  in a doctor’s chamber. But owing to this delay, the disease affects the lungs and often manifests into Pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that may cause severe illness in people of all ages. It is a life threatening condition and a leading cause for death worldwide. Our body is…

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