By: Dr. Abhishek Pandey, Oral and Dental Surgeon & Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: Corona viruses or nCoV are the viruses belonging to a large family, causing illness ranging from common cold to more severe diseases. These diseases include – Middle east respiratory syndrome or [MERS-CoV] Severe acute respiratory syndrome or [SARS-CoV] A Novel coronavirus or nCoV has been identified as a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. However, an outbreak of unusual respiratory condition was first reported in Wuhan, China, due to the infection caused by novel…

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Covid19 Pandemic-A Neurologist Perspective

By: Dr Asad Abbas, M.D. (Medicine), D.M. (Neurology), Consultant Neurologist, Member American academy of neurology and Indian academy of health care & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN World LUCKNOW: As we are standing at the crossroad of the spread of corona pandemic world over and its arrival at the doorstep of our country. Every doctor and every specialty will sooner or later have to face the problem of this deadly virus in their patients. As of now a very little is known about the pathophysiology of this virus and involvement of other…

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By: Dr. Pankaj Kumar Yadav, Asstt. Editor-ICN Group  Human coronaviruses, first characterized in the 1960s, are responsible for a substantial proportion of upper respiratory tract infections in children. Since 2003, at least 5 new human coronaviruses have been identified, including the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, which caused significant morbidity and mortality. NL63, representing a group of newly identified group I coronaviruses that includes NL and the New Haven coronavirus, has been identified worldwide. These viruses are associated with both upper and lower respiratory tract disease and are likely common…

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By: Dr Ameya Tripathi, Associate Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: Dengue (pronounced DENgee) fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash. Recovery generally takes two to seven days. In a small proportion of cases, the disease develops into severe dengue, also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in…

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By: Dr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: A Toothbrush is the most useful and habitually used oral hygiene aid to keep the oral cavity healthy. According to the Council on dental therapeutics Of the American dental association, a toothbrush is primarily designed to promote cleanliness of the teeth and the oral cavity. Objectives of Tooth brushing 1: To clean the teeth and interdental areas 2: To prevent plaque formation 3: To stimulate and massage the gingival tissue 4: to clean the tongue TYPES   Manual Toothbrush:- A Manual Toothbrush…

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By: Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad Khan, B.U.M.S.(Govt. Medical Officer) & Associate Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: As we all know that we are using traditional medicine to cure our diseases or physical ailments without any harmful effects since ancient times. Nature has given us so valuable things to keep our body fit and healthy. Besides all facilities in this new era sometimes many among us facing  some physical troubles or acute condition of health problem when any medical facilities are not available at that time…basically at late night..Then what to do now..Don’t worry there…

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IMA Lucknow Organises A Press Conference On World Mental Health Day 10th October 2019….Suicide Prevention

Suicide is an act of purposefully ending ones own life which is not only a personal tragedy but a loss which affects an entire family and nation.  The good news is that it is preventable and we can do something about it. According to WHO data, the age standardized suicide rate in India is 16.4 per 100,000 for women (6th highest in the world) and 25.8 for men (ranking 22nd). Around 150 million Indians are are suffering from mental illness but only ten percent can get the treatment  and this…

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Suicide Prevention: The World Is A Better Place With You In It

By: Prof. (Dr.) Mohd. Aleem Siddiqui, M.D.,D.P.M., Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group & Dr. Shazia Veqar Siddiqui, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: According to  World Health Organisation, globally one person commits  suicide every 40 seconds, India accounted for the highest estimated number of suicides in the world in 2012. According to the report, 258,075 people committed suicide in India in 2012, with 99,977 women and 158,098 men taking their own lives.  A number of clinically useful individual and sociodemographic factors are associated with suicide. They include: Psychiatric disorders (generally depression, alcoholism and personality disorders); Physical illness…

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FIBROMYALGIA-The Irritable Everything Syndrome

By: Dr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW:Fibromyalgia is frequently considered to be a stress-related disorder. It is common and chronic syndrome that causes widespread pain and mental distress. Females are most affected than males with the ratio of 9:1. Cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. It is a combination of psychological, genetic, neurobiological, and environmental factors. It is associated with “Functional somatic syndrome and depressive disorders”. SYMPTOMS– Pain which appears to result from a neurochemical imbalance, debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbances, and joint stiffness. Some people report difficulty in swallowing, bowel…

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Schizophrenia: Needs Treatment, Not Despise

By: Prof.(Dr.) M Aleem Siddiqui, MD, DPM, Direct Council Member Indian Psychiatric  Society & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling.Have you ever wondered how it would be like if you strongly believed that: 1. Your colleague was conspiring against you and he has put on cameras in the office…

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