By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala
This poem is a voice of all the school going children.
O school bag you became so enormous
It pains my shoulders
I cannot even lift you
Even while I bid goodbye to parents.
Frightened are my books inside
No doubt so pale I look.
After one whole day at school
I feel like relaxing by the pool.
Childhood is the time of bliss
It is not in this generation though
By the time I return from school
I hardly get time to play.
Homework and studies are hovering around my head.
Do I have to bear it all in the coming years?
My load of study is like a stone
My roses and dreams all disappear.
I feel like a wrestler when I return home
I no more enjoy the stresses and strains
Teachers love to give us endless instructions
And at home it is not any less.
Father guiding on one hand and mother chiding on the other
Where else do I go if I am let down
Leave me some time for happiness
Let there be only limited things to study.
I can hardly sense nature around me
Let me lie down in the lap of grass and leaves
Admire the rainbows and
Chase my butterflies.
Let me be carefree for sometime atleast
Wish I had singing and dancing periods in school
Moral values and sports classes I do enjoy
While I forget my burdens for a while.
Father who made this heaven and earth
Let us all be close to you
And leave sometime for prayer and co- curriculars
Without much to study in particular.
WE children are born to be happy and make others so
Give us the freedom to choose our own path
And explore the little joys of life
Together in our little world of love.