By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Group Editor-ICN World SHIMLA : Setting out to meet the ambitious Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) utilisation target of Rs 5000 crores for FY 2021-22, SJVN has crossed the target, one month in advance. Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director today informed that by achieving Rs 5007.89 Crore CAPEX by 28th February 2022, SJVN has crossed 100.16% of the targeted CAPEX of Rs 5000 crores for current fiscal. Nand Lal Sharma said “By registering over 100 percent CAPEX utilization in 11 months of current financial year, SJVN has maintained its stature…

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CMD SJVN Lays Foundation Stone of a working Hydro Project Model at Shimla

By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Group Editor-ICN World SHIMLA : Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director SJVN today laid the Foundation Stone of a Working Model of a 1.3-Kilowatt Hydro Project at the upcoming Bio Diversity Park in the vicinity of the company’s Corporate Head Quarters, at Shanan, Shimla. The foundation stone laying ceremony was attended by Sh. S.P. Bansal, Director (Civil) and other senior officials of SJVN. Speaking on the occasion Sh. Nand Lal Sharma, said that this Hydro Project Model will help the public to better understand the concept…

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SJVN Ropes in REIL For Development of Solar Energy Projects

By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Group Editor-ICN World SHIMLA : SJVN Limited has signed a MoU with Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited (REIL) for providing consultancy services in Development of Solar Energy Projects to be set up by SJVN in different locations across the country. REIL is a Government of India Enterprise having the mandate to implement and promote Solar PV Projects of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, which also includes development of both Grid Connected and Off Grid Solar Power Projects. The MoU was signed by A K Singh, Director…

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An Unceasing Battle

By : Abhinav Malhotra Detailed Account of Taliban and intricacies of Afghanistan’s current scenario In the words of Victor Hugo, a French Novelist, and Poet of the Romantic movement “An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come” It is perhaps difficult to filter whether the present scenario in Afghanistan is an outcome of armies that could not be defeated or the entire idea/ideology that led to the invasion of the World’s largest producer of Opium “Afghanistan” Let us first throw a sufficient amount…

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Media in India : How to Face the Challenge of Credibility Crisis

By: Prof. Pradeep Mathur NEW DELHI: India is a vast country which is home to different castes, creeds, and communities with their different traditions and ways of life. This diversity defines India’s socio-cultural structure and political super-structure which is the subject matter of media content writing. The media content   concerning issues of governance and development  is now a matter of intense debate  as concerns are being expressed by all stakeholders about declining standards and professional ethics of  journalism in our country. To address the issue let us have a look at the…

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Marks Can Make Or Mar A Career

By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala Marks play a crucial role in the lives of students at every level be it in the primary, elementary, advanced, intermediate or collegiate levels and research. It determines the level of competency in a student and further on in job scenarios ratings are accorded for performance driven roles.It polishes and fine tunes their existing skill sets and gives sufficient improvement for further growth prospects. A good student always aims for higher and better marks no matter what the evaluation patterns are. It reminds me…

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By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group  A good theme to be realized and perceived, A good word to be said by the literates, Lessons to be extracted from our historic past, grieved But equally rare to be prevailing on recent dates.   Very noble to preach and impressive to say, A glittering star in the Galaxy of Sins. It’s followers in the past are the examples gay. Is rare to be found, being lost in the bins.   Very difficult to follow and alike to say, As bitter some swallow, and start…

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The World Of Agritourism

By: Subhashini, Asstt. Editor-ICN The small landholders are the most precious part of a state- Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of the United States NEW DELHI: Agricultural tourism or Agri-tourism has been a widely discussed topic since the last 15-20 years. However, what I believe is that this phenomenon has been a part of our economy since thousands of years in many different forms. Agritourism is the idea of bringing urban residents to rural areas for leisure travel and spending. In today’s world, where the mechanization has expanded many-fold, people seem to have lost touch…

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Sleep – It’s Body Repair Time Series: Part 1 (Do you feel lethargic all the time)

By : Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Executive Editor, ICN Group (I welcome you all to this series of articles titled ‘Sleep – It’s Body Repair Time’. Before I start, please accept my heartful thanks for loving and appreciating my series of articles ‘Excellence With GOPTA©’, which completed 100 articles recently and created history at ICN. I will do my best to justify your love and affection in this series of articles as well.) DO YOU FEEL LETHARGIC ALL THE TIME? Have you ever wondered:- why some people always feel lethargic…

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Advancement Of Technology And Human Void

By: Maryam Hedayat Around 52.4% of the global online population access internet from their mobile devices and more than half of the global population is estimated to go online using mobile devices by 2020. LIBYA: The world is just a ‘click’ away from us. Now everything and everyone is available at the touch of a button, Bored? Just a click and all your friends in front of you, shopping mood, click and the varieties and unlimited collection on your screen, want to play video games late night, click the button and vast collection…

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