By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group
How do you achieve success, just study it also:
Results of Vertical Success
2 Success | + | 2
Success |
+ | 2
Success |
+ | 2
Success |
+ | 2
Success |
= | 10 Successes |
The vertical method increases your success very slowly by using the principle of addition through plus only.
Results of Horizontal Success
2 Success | x | 2
Success |
x | 2
Success |
x | 2
Success |
x | 2
Success |
= | 32
Successes |
This success boosts your income by using x (multiplication) at unlimited speed.
One of my friends, Shreyas Mehrotra was very much interested in teaching and he made his liking as his source of income also. In the initial period, he used to teach his students by visiting their houses. He was very busy at that time and was making very limited income. When a student refused to take further tuition for any reason, a large part of his limited income used to be abolished suddenly. Once I called him and asked why he did not meet for so many days, he told me his problems about his over busy schedule and limited and temporary income. I asked him what day he can give me two hours in the next week, he told me that he can meet me at his house or at my house next Sunday. I said that we would meet neither at his house nor at my house but we shall meet at some third place and shall keep our phones off for some time to avoid any disturbance for at least two hours. We met next Sunday in my office which remains closed on Sundays. I discussed him about his qualifications and available time and explained that his current income is the result of his vertical success and he should change his vertical success into horizontal success. My words were strange to him because he had never been told by anybody about these rules of success before that moment. He did not know before that day that success or failure is affected by any principles or rules. He was astonished and was filled with excitement just like you and he was awaiting for the opening of a magic pot with his highest excitement. Whatever I told him, he accepted it and thanked me by heart, and thereafter what changes he made in his life, I want to share with you also:
First Step
Shreyas had understood that although he taught all the students the same course, but the same curriculum has to be taught to different individuals at different times in different places throughout the day, and for this reason, his one unit of ability and one unit of time could yield the result against his one unit of ability and one unit of time only and that is why, his ability and time earns money for him through the method of addition only and it never works in multiple method. According to my consultation, he started calling all his students in his own house in four shifts of the day and in result whereof, he saved his time and use of ability considerably. Earlier, he used to teach a curriculum about ten times in different places and used to spend his time and energy from one place to another without additional value but now, he teaches about four shifts of ten students each at one place and he has to teach a curriculum for four times only in a day. In this way, not only he saved his time by reducing teaching a curriculum from ten times to four times only, but he saved his time which he used to waste from going one place to other place for teaching throughout the day also and now, he was able to teach more than four time of the students in comparison to his previous schedule. In this way where, at first, he saved his times of six teaching session and the time invested among all the ten sessions in travelling here and there, he got his income increased by four-time also by using this method. This is the magic of increasing income from coefficient.
Second step
Shreyas came to know that if he can recuperate his time, i.e. “time leveraging”, by increasing the ability to earn his income four times, and if he can reduce the deployment of our time to earn this money for four sessions instead of earlier ten sessions, he will have enough time to think more about himself in his life. He did this and used his saved time to invest in his personal abilities and to develop his skills properly. His special study took him a bit ahead than other teachers working on that subject, and this ‘extra edge’ of his race began to be proven like the additional speed of the horse, which gained extra speed of just one step and this extra speed of one additional step of the winner horse defeats all in the race. Keep in mind, though your speed can be very fast, but still, the winner can win you with just one step of the ‘extra speed,’ and you are only a step backward, but there is always a huge difference between the awards received by the winner and a runner. This magic of extra speed of one step can be used to win a great victory by defeating all your competitors.
Step Three
The result of earning his additional qualification was that the quality of leadership and strong self-confidence had developed within Shreyas and then he rented an entire floor in a commercial building in a posh area of the city and employed few teachers with merit in his own subject and now Shreyas was running a coaching center successfully as its owner, in which hundreds of children together were receiving their education and the 60% of consolidated earning of this coaching centre was directly received by Shreyas. It is also leveraging money over time, the direct benefit of which was available to Shreyas.
Fourth step
After some time, Shreyas opened his second coaching center in another area of the city, in which he employed teachers of his subjects, appointed a manager and other non-teaching staff, and without putting any effort on his own time, he created other huge income. After this, he started four coaching centers at different places in the city, and each center started getting separate income. Earlier, Shreyas had his old bicycles, but now, he owns twin twinkling cars. Earlier, Shreyas rarely used to give time to his wife, children, family or friends, but today he gets to his house regularly at seven in the evening and now, he remains happy and he has a lot of time for his wife to dream for the time to come, for the children to play with them and hear their stories, for his parents to take their care, for his family, brothers, and sisters and now he has ample time to enjoy with his closed friends.
Fifth Step
Shreyas, who had earned success in his own city, established himself in other cities as a center franchisee and he has started earning the good income from other cities as well.
Sixth step
You know – Shreyas has established a college of his own subject, and now he is giving it a shape of a university, for which various persons with their high qualifications are giving their 10-10 hours in a day in his technical department, his academic department and his marketing department. Today, Shreyas is going to be with me all the day. We will meet our old friends, have lunch together in a restaurant, watch a good movie and then have dinner together, but even today, the absence of Shreyas will not affect his earning system. You know – Shreyas went with his family for a month to travel to Switzerland two months back, and in his absence, many new students joined his education and provided him an opportunity to earn more through his system.
Tarun Prakash Srivastava
The writer is the author of book ‘Science of Money’ available on in English at