Excellence With G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 16

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group

KOLKATA: In part 15 of the series, we saw how to become a no limit person. Today we will know about the steps in overcoming the self-limiting beliefs.

Steps in overcoming the self-limiting beliefs

First step is identification of the limiting beliefs. This is the most difficult task; even more difficult than finding & developing positive beliefs. If you are able to identify the correct limiting belief, half the battle is won. Actually, what happens that when you try to identify limiting belief, your thinking process first throws some surface beliefs, which are actually not limiting you. These are just brakes, not the actual reasons behind failure. You have to identify the core beliefs.

For example, when you try to reduce your weight and you try to introspect, your sub-conscious mind will tell you that you can’t reduce weight because you don’t like running or morning walk. On deep introspection, you will find that it is incorrect and it is only a surface belief. Actually, the core belief is that you don’t like leaving your bed early in the morning for morning walk or running; you don’t want to spare time for exercising and you have not yet accorded it priority in your life. Another example may be that your sub-conscious mind may tell you that you don’t like speaking. It is not a core belief. Do deep introspection and you will find that the actual limiting belief is that you fear speaking in front of the people. You are afraid of rejection either due to your lack of preparation of subject or due to your inferior speaking skills. Once you identify your limiting belief at its core, it will be easier to find out how to overcome the same.

Here, once again, I would lay stress upon the need of overcoming negatives with positives. We have to identify our self-limiting beliefs one by one and have to replace them with the help of GOPTA.

The good news is that by following an easy & systematic approach, you can easily inculcate the positive beliefs which can replace the negative beliefs. I take a practical example here. Suppose your present income is Rs. 50,000/- per month and you want to earn Rs. 2 lacs per month. Your sub-conscious mind keeps you reminding that you are not capable of earning that much amount or it is too big a goal. Here, your belief system is not in alignment with your goal and is putting brakes to your speed. The good news is that you can improve on this by following this systematic easy to follow approach for each of your self-limiting belief:-  

You have to first identify, what is the self-limiting belief which is holding you back in any particular area of life.

Now try to identify, how this belief got deep-rooted in your sub-conscious mind.

Now the most important part is that why this belief has to be replaced. What benefit you will derive by replacing this belief by another empowering belief. This will provide you the much-needed motivation in difficult times.

Now you have to identify what positive/ empowering belief you have to frame. Pick something which may change your life, if it comes true. Suppose your old belief was that you cannot increase your income; you can pick your new belief that you are the master of your income and you can increase your income.

Start visualising that you have already inculcated this new belief.

Though, you will not succeed just by believing. You have to support your belief system with GOPTA. Slowly your sub-conscious mind will ask for evidence to support your new belief, which you have to provide. You can provide the evidence in the form of working extra hours in a week or in the form of doing any part time work or in the form of doing much organised work than before. Remember, GOPTA is that much powerful which may change your belief system from its core. You have to improve your skills and acquire the knowledge required to support your new belief system.

You have to choose the inputs you provide to your mind. You also have to be careful in choosing your association as they impact your belief system. If you are working on a new belief, try to build association with those people, who support or encourage your new belief system. You should also work upon upgrading your knowledge in your field of operation and if possible, look for a mentor in your field. You must have noticed that if somebody says to you that you are worthy of doing some work, your efficiency increases like anything.

Suppose you are in sales and want to succeed, you should learn the skills related to sales. If you are in any office, you have to identify, which skills will help you to gain new heights of success in the office. If you are a doctor, you have to update yourself with the latest researches in the field of medicine. If you are an interior decorator, you have to update your knowledge with the worldwide trends in your field. Just believing is not enough. You have to support the new belief system with positive thinking and positive constructive actions towards achievement of your goals with self-discipline and new belief system will show the magic. The knowledge gained and skills learnt will boost your confidence and positivity will automatically increase.

Positivity works like light in a dark room. Even a small bulb of 5 watts is able to remove darkness. For positivity, I would suggest you to check your daily routines and try to develop some habits like exercising daily, reading daily; develop a helping attitude without any expectations; develop the ability to smile at the slightest occasion to do so. Overall impact will be on your personality and your sub-conscious mind, and gradually the limiting beliefs will be flushed out of your system. Always remember the visual example of tea cup, where tea makes place for continuous inflow of clean water. The time will come when your sub-conscious mind will start blocking new negative ideas or beliefs from entering into your mind.   

So, decide today that you will first identify the beliefs which are not commensurate with your goals and will make all out efforts to remove the old mental blocks and acquire new beliefs required to achieve your goals. You can take help of your family members, your colleagues, friends and others. Once you align your beliefs and actions with your goals, positive results will automatically start to manifest.  

(In the next article, we will see how negative time utilisation patterns affect your goal setting process adversely. So, stay tuned every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. Happy G.O.P.T.A.)

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Creator & copyright holder of the concept G.O.P.T.A.©  is an Author, Certified NLP Lifestyle Practitioner, Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker and recipient of Honorary Doctorate of Excellence (Management) by prestigious Young Scientist University, California, USA. He is Founder of ‘Read, Learn & Earn Movement’ and is popularly known among his fans & followers across the globe as ‘Time and Goal Guru’.

His book ‘How to Add 50000 Productive Hours to Your Life’ is available at Amazon & Flipkart in English at http://bit.ly/HowToAdd50000ProductiveHoursToYourLife

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