By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group
Our life passes through a narrow street of failure, but we cannot see the nearing ‘widest National High way’ to move for our success.
Debt emancipation:
Do you know that you earn money with only your two hands, but your bank is earning money with thousands of hands? Why does this happen – have you ever thought? By paying the loans to thousands of millions of people of the society from its capital, a bank earns a large amount of interest every month with millions of hands and its capital is still safe.
If the borrower fails to pay the amount over time, the bank does not have any sympathy with the loss suffered by him in the business and by selling the mortgaged or charged property of the deceased person, it gets its dues compensated. What do you think – are you doing business with the help of the bank? No, my friend, In fact, the bank is doing its business by your help and by exploiting your capabilities and that is also a trade where there is no question of loss.
Once you borrow money from a bank or financial institution or a person, then please accept this truth without any argument that first, you earn money for the bank, that institution or the person and only after you fill their stomach, you and your family finds its bite. If the bank has provided funds to one thousand people in a city, then every month, all these people earn first for the bank to pay its installments and only after that, they can use their income for themselves.
If you have not availed any loan till date, it is also your victory that prepares you to make your journey with ‘zero’ and not with ‘minus’, otherwise after taking a loan, you will start your journey with ‘Minus’ and the first part of the journey will be spent in transporting from minus to zero. After taking a loan, you are traveling on such a road, which is steadily moving backward with the faster rate of diminishing of saving, and if you want to get your destination in that journey, then your speed must be increased much more than that rate.
Getting a loan from the bank is not bad if you have a solid plan to make a profit at a very high rate from the interest rate payable and you do not even have enough initial capital to implement that plan. Two things are evident from the above-mentioned things –
(1) If you do not have any debt obligation, then this situation is not less than any valuable investment and
(2) if you have the responsibility to repay the loan, you will have to earn much higher profit than the interest payable by you, under a concrete plan and the new capital and property should be created with the amount of difference between the benefits received and the interest payable.
Audio, Video Tapes & CDs
If we want to be successful in our life, the path of success can be shown to us by the person who is already successful. Remember, an unsuccessful person can only teach us how to be unsuccessful in life, but a successful person can put the formula of success in our hands and teach this also as to why people often fail. Such successful people set such training through audio and video tapes, and CDs and the expenditure on them is a profitable investment for you.
Personality development workshops
People are often careless towards their personality and do not know the value of the contribution of their personality to their success. In their vision, personality means how they look out from outside only. They try different ways to enhance the external beauty and often fail in life. Though in personality, your exterior beauty also has value, but only external beauty cannot make you permanently acceptable and successful.
The overall development of personality can lead you to the path of success and in the overall development; you have to acquire many powers and qualities within yourself, which is not possible by you alone. The truth is that we are often unaware of both our attributes and our weaknesses, and spend all our lives dependent on our prejudices and preconceptions only.
Our life passes through a narrow street of failure, but we cannot see the nearing ‘widest National High way’ to move for our success. What is the thing that prevents us from recognizing that path and following it? They are our own false beliefs, misinformation and our wrong responses settled in our brain.
Some of the essential qualities and powers for success are:
1-Positive Life Vision
2-Self-esteem but freedom from pride
4-Beauty of the heart
5-The quality of love and affection
6-Property of Help and Socialism
7-The clear and higher vision
8-The quality of planning and execution of the scheme
9-Not to be jealous of others’ success, but to gain inspiration
10-Quality of Leadership
11-Attributes of obtaining updated notifications and appropriately evaluating them
12-The merits of dividing the shares among the contributing persons13-
13-The quality of giving the best response in every situation14-
14-Etc.-etc. and so on.
To develop your personality, you can participate in workshops of skilled trainers and achieve development in your personality and earn huge success based on your positive powers beyond your imagination.
The expenditure incurred on such workshops and such training is very low in the ratio of energy, inspiration and positive beliefs received by you. Personality development means self-esteem with outside as well as inside. The investment made in this process returns you profit many times more.
Due to the shortage of space, I have introduced these properties briefly here but I will introduce them and some other important topics in detail for you in my forthcoming book “Mind and Money”.
Tarun Prakash Srivastava
From my book ‘Science of Money’ available on in English at and in Hindi atसाइंस-ऑफ़-मनी