By: Prof. R K Yadav (Deptt of Genetics and Plant Breeding C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech. Kanpur & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group)
KANPUR: The government of India going to provide Rs. 2000 Crore (US Dollars 306.29 million ) for computerisation of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) to ensure cooperatives are benefitted through digital technology.
Around 100 million Soil Health Cards (SHSs) have been distributed in the country during 2015-17 and a soil health mobile app has been launched to help the farmers.
With an aim to boost innovation and entrepreneurship, the Govt. of India is introducing a new AGRI- UDAAN programme to mentor start-ups and to enable to connect with potential investors.
The Government of India has launched the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sanchar Yojana (PMKSY) with an investment of Rs.50000 Crore (US dollars7655.25 billion) aimed to development of irrigation sources for providing a permanent solution from drought.
The Government of India plans to triple the capacity of food processing sector in India from the current 10 per cent of agriculture produce and has also committed Rs.6000 Crore (US dollar 936.38) as investment for mega food parks in the country, as part of the scheme for Agro- Marine Processing and development of Agro-Processing Clusters (SAMPADA).
The Govt. of India has allowed 100 per cent FDI in marketing of food products and in food product e-commerce under the automatic route.
A new plate form for selling agricultural produce named e- RaKam has been launched by the Government of India and will operate as joint initiative of Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Limited and Central Rail side Warehouse Company Limited ( CRWC).
Agriculture Road Ahead in India:
India is expected to achieve the ambitious goal of doubling farm income by 2022. The agricultural sector in India is expected to generate better momentum in the next few years due to increased investment in agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities, warehousing and cold storage.
Furthermore the growing use of genetically modified crops will likely improve the yield for Indian farmers. India is expected to be self sufficient in pulses in the coming few years due to concerted efforts of scientists to get early maturing varieties of pulses and the increase in minimum support price.
India’s Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices increased by 6.1 per cent during the July- September 2017 quarter, driven by agriculture and government spending. The GVA from agriculture, forestry and fishing sector grew 1.7 per cent in this July- September 2017 quarter.
The Government of India targets to increase the average income of a farmer household at current prices to Rs. 219724 (US dollar 3420.21) by 2022-23 from Rs. 96703 (US dollar 1505.27) in 2015-16.
Going forward, the adoption of food safety and quality assurance mechanism such sa Total Quality Management (TQM) including ISO 9000, ISO 22000, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ( HACCP )Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and good Hygienic Practices (GHP) by the food processing industries will offer several benefits from agriculture to the national economy.