By: Dr. Shazia Vequar Siddiqui ( Asstt. Editor-ICN Group )
LUCKNOW: Suicide is an act of purposefully ending ones own life. According to WHO, stigma surrounding suicide leads to underreporting of data .75% of global suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries. Over 800 000 people die due to suicide every year. Ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms are the most common methods of suicide globally.
Men are “better” at suicide than women. Four times as men complete suicide, but women make more attempts. Male suicide attempts are more lethal because men typically use a gun or an equally fatal method. Women most often attempt a drug overdose, so there’s a better chance of help.
Suicide rates increase with advancing age. More than half of all suicide victims are over 45 years old. In fact, suicide is more common among 15- to 24-year-olds. Married individuals have lower rates than divorced, widowed, or single persons.
Reasons can be financial issues, relationship problems, loss of social support, and any major life event. The major feelings are that of loss, helplessness, loneliness, anger, guilt, worthlessness. Physically here can be changes in appetite, sleep, .loss of interest in pleasurable activities, sexual life.
The individual may start distributing his favorite items, there may be motional or crying outbursts, may become organized and start writing will or putting things in order, there may be drug or alcohol abuse, reckless or self-harm behavior.
Universal prevention strategies include: generally improving the quality of people’s lives thereby reducing stress, decreasing the availability of lethal means, such as control of guns, selective strategies include in schools and institutions so that depressed and suicidal individuals can be identified and treated before they harm themselves , focusing on high-risk groups those already diagnosed as depressed, assert religious and cultural believes that discourage it.