Lock-Down And After

By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group 


To the entire mankind on the Earth”

“ A Humble Submission”

Suddenly an unknown virus attacks almost entire mankind on the Earth and people remained astonished as no enemy was visible or readable but people were infected , troubled and even sustaining maximum loss also. Being first of it’s kind , it troubled everyone on all possible parameters like loss of time, loss of work, loss in productions, loss of health and even life. Money and finances did suffer a lot . The entire world has suffered a lot and will take years and enormous money , labour and patience to recover fully from it. How this calamity troubled each and every aspect of life on Earth and how the brave humanity is daring it, has been the main concern which prompted this writing to come up.

Humanity could never perceive arrival of calamities on them, in any situation or in any era,

They could know and did anything to protect themselves only when it began harming them.

Every live and fiscal aspect got disturbed due to this virus then attentions world could draw, 

It will take a lot of efforts, time and all to regain the pre calamity status of the mankind hem. 

This is not a book to be taken, read and perceived but a collection of words mentioning feelings of each and every aspect of this distress resulting into a prolonged “ Lock – Down”. This closure, first of it’s kind, has given so many lessons and experiences to the living human beings of each and every category and sector. Everyone perceived something or the other in this calamity and lived every situation created by virus and its distress. None could know everything about it. None could deal every aspect of it. None could solve many problems faced. Even then every thinking is having something new and surprising about it.

The situations of life during “ Lock – Down” and pains in the feelings for loss of life and all,

Has taught so many lessons to us about life, care, distress , time , money and departures.

Everyone saw the exit of live from the world , which no means could save in a painful call,

“Sadness was taking care of sads” while all waited patiently for calamity’s natural departure. 

Calamities never offer options to the mankind. They never give rooms to stay safe and away from them. Distress seldom gives way to the humanity to escape from it. Even then , human beings are very daring in nature and they are always ready to face any such challenge , particularly to save their life, economy and Nation. How they faced it ? How they dealt with the dire situations ? How they took the challenges arose out of this never before calamity ? How they converted these challenges into opportunities to do something better out of it ? All these topics when poised to melt the emotions, they became feelings and words to come up like this.

Humanity has never been so lucky to get options from any distress, on or before it’s arrival,

Calamities do not allow any of us to stay safe, protected or even fleeing from them any way.

The human beings are ever daring to face challenges of all kind posed by any of virus or rival,

And often change their challenges into opportunities while dealing with their pains as it may.

Some situations seen , some troubles faced and some braveries shown to the killer calamity did generate some thoughts which ultimately took shape in various words. Such feelings when collected are here at your service to be taken as situational feelings and realities around all of us. The plights and pathetic conditions of those who suffered most from this calamity, cannot be expressed in words. Some topics are so huge that they cannot be covered with prevailing words. They can only be felt . A simple person like me has got no ability to express feelings into words. I have tried my level best to be honest, generous, true and sensible while mentioning all this. 

How troubled were the mankind? How bravely they fought ? Who made them so mighty to dare ?

Words are never sufficient to express the pains of real sufferers, who could not even call anyone.

Agony can only be dealt, emotions can only be perceived and can pain of others be felt? Very rare,

O ’words, you are really very little to express such huge agony, as felt by my heart, about everyone. 

Most humbly I submit these words pertaining to my feelings regarding present calamity and it’s resultant “Lock – Down” , collected in the form of a book and  presented  to the entire mankind on the Earth. You are earnestly requested to read these feelings in my words, if time permits. Your words representing evaluations of these feelings are always solicited and welcome.

My feelings regarding “ Lock – Down” did try to take shapes of words , which are collected here now,

Please spare few minutes if possible to read these sentiments pertaining to those life related aspects.

Which appeared to be at risk in the hands of calamity and all of us were hectic to save them anyhow,

We lost too much of our economy and live even then our efforts rescued so much in all these respects. 


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