By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group
PART: 15
We are having less equipments and less facilities and also more population . This situation makes us more susceptible and excessively exposed to the tendency to get infected . Such realities are against , still we have lost less , that is a big achievement . Every loss of life is precious but we are lucky in terms of Global Ratios of casualties. It was very troublesome to remain sincere during Lock Down . This has fetched us good results. We must keep our position intact and safe .
Our efforts to win over the ongoing pandemic have been appreciated by all and sundry,
We remained in various scarcities, lived in trouble, used minimum essentials then we got.
We are having less facilities and more population , which hinders our good efforts quandary,
“Sincerity in calamities “ is awfully difficult , but , if practiced well , it fetches results a lot .
It is a big challenge for every state Government as well as to the Central Government to provide job to every worker according to his or her potential and abilities . If a worker has come from a glass factory in Maharashtra , he supposes to get similar job in his native place or state . A skilled worker of Nut Bolt factory needs similar job in his native state . Other workers , whatever they can do , they should be studied and offered jobs under Government Schemes like MANREGA .
The workers once came out of their distant job entrepreneurs, in calamity and Lock Down,
It wasn’t easy to live their , having neither today nor tomorrow, they became deprived off .
Excessive arrangements were made by the Governments, still many were on roads so down,
If they get their desired job at their places , the old trouble of migration ,they can get rid off .
Everyone thinks for all round betterment of these workers , who are on the roads , so sad ,
The able thinkers plan to set up industries to accommodate them and produce much more.
They need to be studied to be employed in suitable jobs , to make them and owner all glad ,
How far will it be successful , only time will tell , but it was never done like this here before ,
If companies think to train the workers for their factories then to employ them , it will be too costly for them . This extra load may trouble the industries , who are already in trouble due to pandemic . If Government opts and offers to train these so called migrated workers according to needs in various nearby places , it may prove to be very helpful . It will take time to prepare the workers for the particular industries . We suppose the process called , “ Skill Mapping procedure “might help in this regard . Though it is very difficult for any Government to do so . There must exist some very effective proactive system to explore and implement it , then only one can dream to have such effective mapping.
Can they be trained first for their future jobs? To get them better tomorrow, but who will train ?
Industries are already in trouble, due to calamities, they find them unable to get it done, for sure .
The best way is the Government for their job training , listing , planning , accommodating refrain ?
Let us see , who bails this crowd out ? who lifts their morale and finance , when they are all unsure ?
A very positive looking step in this regard is the MOUs signed by the Government with many industrial associations . Even then to identify the workers and assimilate or absorb them in various nearby industries , is a big task . Moreover will the members of these associations cooperate in these or not ? Challenges do not get reduced merely by inking one or more memorandum of understandings. There must be a system to provide job to all such workers according to their skills and abilities . “ Re skilling of the Workers “ is what they call is necessary for it .
Now our Government has started taking desired steps to absorb them all , in the jobs to come up,
Hindrances do come in the ways of all noble deeds, so is the case with it , will all ables cooperate ?
If not, who and how will the new jobs be created for this crowd of workers, moving on road run up ?
Sincere efforts with a firm willpower is required to create a system is needed for them to operate ?
It is a fact that during lock down the industries suffered a lot and so also their workers . When everything seems reopening to start a fresh , there are so many big problems facing towards these industries as well as in front of these workers . Our Government is planning to do some miracles to bring these industries on their original track . Desired data pertaining to these workers is being prepared at the official levels . A registration is going on pertaining to such shifted or moved workers on “ Migratory Friend Relief “ App , up to the first week of June 2020.
In fact, too much is in the thinking of those who matter for the purpose, working day and night,
Problems are facing towards industries as well as workers , who are eager to make it all afresh .
If miraculous planning materialize, this century long problem of these workers will be made right?
A positive approach is required at all levels, to facilitate them in real sense so that life starts afresh .
There is a provision of enrolling skilled workers who generally work in other states , in the age group of 18 to 40 years . The Employment office do have a data of above four lacs such workers . Once a data of desired workers is prepared in such data banks , this will be provided to various industrial departments . This may lead to a situation called reaching out of job and workers . Simply saying demand and supply of work and workers .
Hundreds of thousands are the persons to affected , and they all are being watched and listed,
Once this list of skilled workers reaches the needy industrial units, they will hire them on roles.
Labor will reach it’s desired job, helping both the demand and supply, easing all calamity fisted ,
Humanity will be satisfied when every worker gets job and all units have required hands with goals .
“ Layoff “ is a right of any organization or industrial concern . It simply indicates the situation of any unit which tends to reduce it’s employee strength due to personal reasons or even due to intentions of downsizing the volume of the industry itself . It may be a case of one worker or a group of many workers . This may be for a shorter period or even on a permanent basis . Even then this right can not be exercised by any industry , knowing well or intentionally . So many problems are addressed and taken care by” Nivesh Mitra “ app . launched by our Government .
Any entrepreneur can opt the option of “ Layoff” for some or more persons , without notice,
They can change their staff strength or even close their unit for less or more days, as they wish .
This issue is also being addressed by our ever caring Government , providing an app as justice,
So many informations and guidelines are there in it for them all , to relieve queries and anguish .
Are Restrictions Causing Trouble In Industrial Developments ?
Sometimes rules and instructions seem to be as restrictions and hindrances ? Particularly some extra topics have taken place during this Lock – Down period . Industrial units seem to be bound in so many ways are restrictions . There appear many boundaries in between any two states . It makes much difficulties in procuring raw materials for the industrial units .
Rules and regulations are there to help people in general and to facilitate their functions,
They are on to regulate people and their deeds in day to day life and in all worldly affairs .
During calamities they seem to be extra rigid with many more clauses and guarding notions,
So many restrictions , so many prohibits, come in the ways of work ,forming restricting layers .
A type of suffocation exists in the operations of units due to so many regulations of the district level . Now the summer season has started , resulting into increase in atmospheric temperature . This creates a situation in which daily thermal screening reads more temperature . When the concerned employee is taken to the Doctor , he reads him well .This gives more botherations and less harmonic production . It does trouble the working hours , productions and medical expenses.
Every excess or superfluous aspect, be it of any importance, it irks and troubles many,
Whosoever is subjected to these , feels an extra load on botherations of routine even .
One has to observe every aspect, even if troublesome, and decreasing the results any,
Smooth functioning gets affected , even due to some smaller topic of hindrance then.
………… To Be Continued …….