By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group  Roaming on the streets, every dawn, Keenly looking every side or     brawn. Be it any season to their  own con, Carrying one gunny bag on physical  gown.   Lifting every debris of any use- re use, Keeping in bag to sell it, for few coins. How much dirty and infected is truce, Is not even in their thinking – brines.     One small stick, with a hook on it’s tip, To stir, shake and pick from the garbage. They do consider it as a…

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Blog1: What To Keep In Mind before Choosing A Career?

By: Rachna Mimani, Associate Editor-ICN KOLKATA: Choosing a career can be a tiring process. It is always advised that you choose a career you’d love to build and work in and not just merely toil to earn a living. It is very different from choosing a job. Your career is what you will be doing for the rest of your life. This decision has to be taken wisely. Otherwise you’ll be stuck doing something you do not love and this is dangerous. You cannot grow with something you absolutely have no liking…

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“Save Water-Save Yourself”

By: Dr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: The above mentioned title would look old fashioned and well known but if we look in to this issue, we would understand how true and how serious it is. Water is the most precious gift of nature. It has no taste, no smell and no color. It is found everywhere and the other name of it is “life” because it is the basis of fluid element of all living organisms. We, today live in a world suffering from illnesses inflicted on our environment as a result…

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From Nothingness To Nothingness….

By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala This lockdown period has taught people many ‘life’ lessons. In fact in me, it has created a writer’s streak. The basic of all basic questions rose up like a tide in my mind. There’s an inner conflict happening. The complexities of life turn harder when you expect it the least. This cycle of life called ‘karma’ takes up a periodical patterning. The process of life is the same for all individuals, it is just their experience which varies. To some it may seem fair…

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By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group  PART: ELEVEN A Global Calamity attacks our planet as well our entire human race . Suddenly everything was announced closed . This closure affected everything on the Earth , yes , everything .Whatever we can see , whatever we can perceive , whatever we can think about and all aspects on the Earth were affected by it . Everyone knows that this pandemic has to affect human beings only , even then every animal , every plant , even rivers are not spared .  We see…

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