By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group (In the past article, we knew about the strategy to overcome procrastination when the task seems difficult. Today, we will know about the strategy to overcome procrastination when you are over committed.) Strategies of overcome procrastination when you are over-committed NOIDA: Some people are so enthusiastic that they take up more things to do than their capacity. This can be seen at their home or work or in their social commitments. Inability to say ‘No’ at appropriate time is one of…
Read MoreYear: 2019
By: Dr Saifur Rahman (PT), Sports physiotherapist, MPT (SPORTS) NEW DELHI: Sports have various risks according to the sport’s branches as well as it has positive effects on human health. No matter what their branch is, each athlete will somehow be injured in his/her sports career at each level. Thus, the most significant point is to minimize the risk of injury during the athlete’s carrier. “Sports Physiotherapist Is Second God for Sportsperson on Ground” Sports physiotherapists are involved in prevention and management of injury resulting from sport and exercise participation at…
Read MoreHistory Repeats Itself: Abhijit Banerjee Wins Nobel Prize In Economic Sciences After Amartya Sen
By: Barnali Bose, Editor-ICN Group KOLKATA: Poverty is said to be the root cause of all social evils. Time has not been able to refute this harsh factual observation made by social thinkers of all times. A pathbreaking innovative experiment based economic research on the mode to combat and diminish global poverty was conducted by three Economists namely Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo,his wife and colleague as well as his fellow researcher, Michael kremer for more than two decades. This year, in recognition of their research, the Nobel Prize Committee has …
Read MoreIndian Constitution Is Sacrosanct And It Will Not Be Changed
By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem, Editor, ICN Group NEW DELHI: A healthy debate is always welcome. It provides an opportunity to go deep inside many complex issues and also encourages others to take part into it openly. Any kind of discussion around the constitution of India generates a lot of interests among the intellectuals. Even a person like me who is almost illiterate in these matters could find it interesting as a conscious citizen of this country. Today, I got a unique opportunity to attend a book launch program at IGNCA,…
Read MoreNobel Prizes In Literature Awarded To Austria’s Peter Handke And Poland’s Olga Tokarczuk
Austrian author and playwright Peter Handke has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2019, with 2018’s postponed award going to Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk. The 2018 Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to Polish author Olga Tokarczuk “for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life,” while the 2019 prize went to Austrian author Peter Handke. The Swedish Academy announced the winners of the 2018 and 2019 Nobel Prizes in Literature. Because scandal postponed last year’s winner announcement, two prizes are being…
Read MorePersonal Hygiene For Toddlers
By: G. P. Sinha, Consulting Editor-ICN Group Good Hygiene Habits Start Early LUCKNOW: There’s more to hygiene than hand washing, though that’s a good start. Setting up a routine of healthy hygiene when your kids are young can create habits that last throughout their lives. Use our head to toenails guide and create good hygiene habits for your kids Hair Washing Most younger children can get away with washing their hair two or three times a week. In fact, washing hair too often can dry out young scalps, making them…
Read MoreA Place Of Social Harmony: Part 2
By: Mohammad Salim Khan, Sub Editor-ICN Lets know about Sahaswan SAHASWAN/BUDAUN: In Distt. Budaun. U.P. Sahaswan is a good example of Social harmony and integrity.In British rule Sahaswan has been a District headquarter from 1801 to 1835.Dak Bangla was the residence of Distt.Magistrate at that time. There was a Distt. Magistrate whose name was lord Wilson. He would morning walk on a road alongwith his wife.Since then this road is known as Darling road which is very famous.There is a main market which is known as Bazaar Wilson ganj.Sahaswan has been a…
Read MoreIMA Lucknow Organises A Press Conference On World Mental Health Day 10th October 2019….Suicide Prevention
Suicide is an act of purposefully ending ones own life which is not only a personal tragedy but a loss which affects an entire family and nation. The good news is that it is preventable and we can do something about it. According to WHO data, the age standardized suicide rate in India is 16.4 per 100,000 for women (6th highest in the world) and 25.8 for men (ranking 22nd). Around 150 million Indians are are suffering from mental illness but only ten percent can get the treatment and this…
Read MoreThe Lithium-Ion Battery Wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Prize founder Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist who invented dynamite, decided the physics, chemistry, medicine and literature prizes should be awarded in Stockholm, and the peace prize in Oslo. Three scientists on Wednesday were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their contributions to the development of lithium-ion batteries, which have reshaped energy storage and transformed cars, mobile phones and many other devices in an increasingly portable and electronic world. The Royal Swedish Academy has decided to award the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly to John B. Goodenough, M.…
Read MoreMoney Miracle: First Payment To Self
By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group Hello friend! Well, we have met on this route. I’m happy to meet you. The journey is long, but I think that when two people go on a trip like friends, no travel is long. Every journey of life teaches us what life is in the real sense. If you permit me, we will walk a little far together on the long journey of life and I promise you that during this association, I will try to explain the secrets of life to…
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