By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Emotions of any kind, affect and melt the core, It fills in, then flows, affectionately to our eyes. They dissolve one’s being in it, even before, Draining to fill and be in our situation –felt – eyes. Emotions and being, thus so fully dissolved in, The natural secretion , called tears, and fills. Coming as true friends, in every situations’ Din, Remain intact in all ,glad –sad, as Heart’s –Bills. These tiny drops, draining via eyes, to say, Never leave me alone, be what the…
Read MoreYear: 2019
A Place Of Social Harmony: Part 1
By: Mohammad Salim Khan, Sub Editor-ICN SAHASWAN/BUDAUN: I live at mohalla Rustam Tola in Sahaswan.It is a farming dominant area and is counted among one of the most backward areas in case of education in Sahaswan.Sahaswan is too a farming dominant area and this place is too counted among the most backward areas in case of education.Crops of Wheat,Mustard,and Peppermint are produced in rich amount here.Sahaswan is my native place.It has been a historical place since last hundreds of years.There is a village Shekhupur only 40 km. away from Sahaswan in…
Read MoreExcellence with G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 105 (Strategies to overcome procrastination when the task seems difficult)
By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group (In the past article, we knew about the strategy to overcome procrastination when the task appears overwhelming. Today, we will know about the strategy to overcome procrastination when the task seems difficult.) Strategies to overcome procrastination when the task seems difficult In our day to day life, we have to perform certain difficult tasks. These are the tasks which require our attention for a longer period of time. And in today’s busy schedules, it is difficult for us to give undivided…
Read MoreManagement Of Constipation And Homoeopathic Treatment
By: Dr. Lata Verma, Sub Editor-ICN Constipation most commonly occurs when waste or stool moves too slowly through the digestive tract or cannot be eliminated effectively from the rectum, which may cause the stool to become hard and dry. Most common causes of constipation includes low-fiber diet, particularly diets high in meat, milk, or cheese, dehydration, lack of exercise, delaying the impulse to have a bowel movement, travel or other changes in routine, certain medications, such as high calcium antacids and pain medications,pregnancy Management Increase your fiber intake. Adding fiber to your diet…
Read More“Aren’t We Still Slaves When It Comes To Our Education System”
By: Garima Gaur, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: India is a land which gave birth to subjects like Mathematics, Science, Astronomy, Astrology etc.During our Vedic age when Gurukul system prevailed, students were getting skill based education, learning life skills and moral based education which helped them in building great character and leading a successful life. When the British came to India they introduced Missionary Schooling. As the name Missionary indicatesit came with a mission of spreading Christianity. They introduced three stages of education in India- 1. Primary 2. Secondary and 3. Higher education Their main aim was to spread Christianity and to maintain peaceful administration.As it is always observed that…
Read MoreWorld Mental Health Day 2019: Focus On Suicide Prevention
By: Prof. (Dr.) Mohd Aleem Siddiqui, MD (Psychiatry), DPM & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group LUCKNOW: This year, the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) has decided to make “suicide prevention” the main theme of World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health. According to the WHO, more than 800,000 people die by suicide a year, making it the principal…
Read MoreSuicide Prevention: The World Is A Better Place With You In It
By: Prof. (Dr.) Mohd. Aleem Siddiqui, M.D.,D.P.M., Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group & Dr. Shazia Veqar Siddiqui, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: According to World Health Organisation, globally one person commits suicide every 40 seconds, India accounted for the highest estimated number of suicides in the world in 2012. According to the report, 258,075 people committed suicide in India in 2012, with 99,977 women and 158,098 men taking their own lives. A number of clinically useful individual and sociodemographic factors are associated with suicide. They include: Psychiatric disorders (generally depression, alcoholism and personality disorders); Physical illness…
Read MoreThe Trip to Western & Central Europe: Austria
By: Shoubhik Bose & Debanjana Maitra Salzburg, Austria The journey to Salzburg from Venice was our first cross-country travel by “land”. We booked a ticket from a TrenItalia kiosk , from Venice to Villach. Incidentally it was an inter city bus of the Austrian Railways ( OBB ) which had a tie-up with Italian Railways for international travel. From Villach, we had pre-booked a train to Austria. I couldn’t help appreciate how the European Union project makes it easy for nationalized companies across countries to work together. We stayed 3 nights in…
Read MoreThree Scientists Share 2019 Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
STOCKHOLM:The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was announced this morning.The prize is shared by three physician/scientists for their “discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.”Two Americans and a British scientist won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering how the body’s cells sense and react to oxygen levels, work that has paved the way for new strategies to fight anemia, cancer and other diseases, the Nobel Committee said.The Nobel Committee said scientists are focused on developing drugs that can treat diseases by either activating or blocking the body’s oxygen-sensing machinery.Thomas…
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