Day: September 26, 2019
A Marketing Miracle? Take Your Pick!
By: Dr. Sanchita Ghatak, Associate Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: Courses in Business Management are modern era’s magic wand, which are supposed to transform any aspiring young person into a management wizard. One of the major fields of specialization, which every ambitious management student wants to opt for, is sales and marketing. Management gurus teach these young abecedarians many fancy concepts on strategies of marketing: What products to be sold; at what price; in which place and; how to promote them? Another important marketing concept that management gurus love to lecture on is, “Sales Pitch”. Sales Pitch can, in one sentence, be defined as, “How to close…
Read MoreConcept Of Cooperative Community Agriculture: Part 1
By: Subhashini, Asstt. Editor-ICN NEW DELHI: Agriculture is the foundation of all the activities since the civilisation came into existence. You can’t survive without food, can you? As recent evidence suggests, the first organised agricultural activity was founded in India in the Hoshiarpur district. Any civilized society has its roots in farming. In this article, I will discuss about the drawbacks of the current agricultural trends and would present a new concept which could increase the productivity and versatility of India’s agriculture. Drawbacks of agriculture in India From the past 25 years,…
Read MoreHomoeopathy Miracle In Dengue
By: Dr. Vasu Kumar, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses (DENV-1, -2, -3, and -4). Infection with one serotype of DENV provides immunity to that serotype for life, but provides no long-term immunity to other serotypes. Thus, a person can be infected as many as four times, once with each serotype. Dengue viruses are transmitted from person to person by Aedes mosquitoes (most often Aedes aegypti) in the domestic environment. Epidemics have occurred periodically in the Western Hemisphere…
Read MoreKnowledge Exchange
By: C.P. Singh, Literary Editor-ICN Group Knowledge is a treasure which is always less. Whatever we gather , we consider as less. Is a drop in the Ocean, much – more is the guess, Ever – striving & eager , running – further to fetch. Ever- thirsty to know, ever hungry to learn, Ever all -we –grow , yet knowledge to earn. Never full or overflow, whatever we churn, Ever in put to show, un needed to burn. Water, when in current, purifies inherent, Closed ponds’ contents, implies deterrent. Pond- rivers’…
Read MoreExcellence with G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 102 (Factors behind procrastination)
By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group (In the past article, we know about ‘Procrastination’. Today, we will know about the factors behind procrastination.) Factors behind procrastination NOIDA: I used to write a to-do list every weekend with good intentions to follow for full week, but alas! By Tuesday or latest by Wednesday, my to-do list used to be shattered, until I started understanding the mechanics behind procrastination. I started to search for the reasons, why people procrastinate and why I used to procrastinate. I found that most…
Read MoreParents, Please Listen!
By: Dr. Natasha Dua, Sr. Sub Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: “Hey, do your parents understand you?”, asked the 12 year old girl, with a gleam of curiosity and a stroke of grief in her shivering voice. Her tone vividly portrayed her desire to be understood by her parents, who like all other parents belonged to another generation, but like some other parents chose to be extremely stringent in their thoughts, believing that they are always right, preferring to be listened to, without letting their dear children express their feelings, opinions and attitude. Do…
Read MoreDo Not Lose The Rope Of The Hope: Part 3
By: Mohammad Salim Khan, Sub Editor-ICN SAHASWAN/BUDAUN: Control your sugar level with natural herbs. Now a days diabetes is such disease which is spreading by leaps and bounds(rapidly) not only in India but also abroad. Unbalanced diet,without schedule diet, and comfortable life style without physical labour invite many diseases.Fox nuts (Tal-Makhana)–It is found that Tal Makhana is also very effective to control our sugar level.The process to take it, is that get ten Tal Makhana a small heat on griddle(Tawa) and take it daily in your breakfast.It will too maintain the sugar…
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