By: Subhashini, Asstt. Editor-ICN How did Lee Kuan Yew engineer Singapore’s economic miracle? NEW DELHI: Let us consider Singapore, a nation that was transformed from a small town to a global financial hub by the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. His set of impressive policies for public welfare proved to be a wonderful example of the political and administrative cohesion. I believe Lee was a global thinker and an influential leader, whose vision and approach led Singapore on the path of rapid progress and development. Lee was able to correctly…
Read MoreMonth: June 2019
By: Dr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: Surprising and unbelievable it may sound, but unusually real it is. Neuroblastoma, a rare cancer of the developing sympathetic nervous system, is derived from the neuroblasts. The incidence of childhood cancer in India are lower than that in developed countries. Neuroblastoma is a solid tumour in children that often originates from the adrenal gland and spreads around the spine, chest, abdomen, bone marrow and liver. In very rare cases, it spreads to the skin during infancy. Neuroblastoma is classified into different stages…
By: Ravinder Gurtoo Respecting our elders should be a courtesy ingrained in every one of us. Common grace and manners are to treat elders with dignity and respect. Sadly these important dignities have been largely forgotten in today’s society. SRINAGAR: The Information Age has put technology at the forefront of human communication, making today a little less personal than days of the past. Instead of treating our elders with appreciation and respect they deserve, many are often too busy or simply dismiss them and their contributions to community and family. After…
Read MoreEnhance your Lifestyle with NLP+ © Series: Part 41
By: Shantanu Das Sharma, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group Quick recap of what we have covered in Part 40 Making the Dream Possible and Real Goals within One Year Take On a 36-hour Challenge Goals within Five Years Goals within Ten Years Goals within Fifteen Years Seven-Step Goal Achievement Process Seven-Step Goal Achievement Process Worksheet The Power of Why Charging Up Your Goals WAY TO REPLICATE ANYONE’S SUCCESS BLUEPRINT KOLKATA: I am sure by now; you would have experienced a major shift in your personal effectiveness. In this article, we…
Read MoreEarthquake Hazard In Himalayan States: Ignore Warnings And Perish
By: Rakesh Lohumi, Sr. Editor-ICN Group The disaster management plans are largely confined to the post-seismic phase of rescue, rehabilitation and reconstruction. SHIMLA: The numerous hydropower plants, tunnels, bridges and other infrastructures projects have not only enhanced and enlarged the risk profile but also expanded the range and scope of devastation likely to be caused in the eventuality of a major earthquake. It is indeed a frightening scenario as the entire Himalayan belt is seismically most vulnerable with a high probability of tremors of magnitude 8 and more striking anytime. Collapse…
Read MoreFlitting Beauties
By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala This summer I became like a nature lover in Kerala, adoring it in all its creature- beauty. It was after ages and ages that I pursued my age- old hobby of chasing butterflies. Butterfly- is actually a mouth watering word, the first word makes our mouth really water. They flit about every place innocently and when they reach something pleasant like grass, leaves or small rocks, finally settle down to rest for a while. But there are not many butterflies to be seen due to…
Read MoreWhen Such Brutalities Will Stop?
By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem, Editor-ICN Group NEW DELHI: Yesterday was a memorable day. Finally, Kathua Rape Verdict has come and the court found the culprits guilty. Among the beasts are one police officer, a student, a priest and a teenager among others. The ugly part of it is that this heinous crime took place in a temple and the rapists were educated lot of the society. Most of them were police officers. The reason behind this barbaric crime was frivolous. They wanted to terrorise a small group of nomadic Bakarwal…
Read MoreExcellence with G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 77 (Good practices during examinations)
By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group (In some of the past articles, we knew about some strategies and mindset for preparation of examinations. Today, we will know some points to be taken care of during examinations.) GOOD PRACTICES DURING EXAMINATION Self belief is important NOIDA: While going for the examination centre, have belief in your preparations. Be confident and see yourself as a big match player. Believe that your best comes out on the big day. In recent days, Virat Kohli is considered to be the…
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