Sahil Khan filed non bailable section 67A against 3 people for defaming

Mumbai : Actor and entrepreneur Sahil Khan has filed a police complaint against three people who are defaming him and posting  morphed photographs on the social media.Khan came to know about this when a morphed photograph was creating buzz on social media and that three people in which two are women and one man were making objectionable comments against him.He initially ignored it but the comments continued for several days and then he approached the police station. The Cyber Law Expert and Sahil Khan’s Lawyer Prashant Mali said A non bailable section 67A…

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“1st Saran International Film Festival ”to be held at Chapra (Saran ) Bihar

Chapra, Bihar : “Saran International Film Festival 2019” , is going to be held in Chapra , a small district in Bihar : The Land of Budha, Ashoka , Aaryabhatta , Dr Rajendra Prasad and many more legends ; the festival would be one of its kind. The Three Days Festival  category like Documentaries , Short Fictions , Animation ,Tribal  & Mobile Films is going to be held in Nov 2019 dated 15th 16th & 17th and entries have been started .  Last date of film submission is 25th Sep 2019 There will be some special attractions…

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300 Doctors Quit In Bengal, Centre Blames Mamata Banerjee

KOLKATA:  The Calcutta High Court on Friday refused to intervene in the ongoing doctors’ strike in West Bengal and advised the Mamata Banerjee-led TMC government in the state to persuade the medical practitioners to re-join work. As many as 300 doctors, 119 from North Bengal Medical College & Hospital, Darjeeling, alone have resigned over violence against doctors in the state.Across the country, medical practitioners took out protest marches and held sit-in agitations in solidarity with West Bengal doctors. Meanwhile, doctors of AIIMS Delhi on Saturday called off their protest in solidarity…

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Time to Think: Need for ‘Medical Response Teams’ as International Assistance during Catastrophic Earthquakes

By: Dr. Kumar Raka, Editor-ICN & Rebecca Brindza, Editor-ICN International (Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it – George Santayana) Tel Aviv: Earthquakes are one of the most devastating forms of natural disaster. They usually strike without warning, produce widespread damage, and can cause massive loss of life. The recent quakes that struck Haiti (2010), Japan (2011), Nepal (2015) and Iran & Iraq (2017) showed that temblors of sufficient magnitude can wreak havoc. The catastrophic situation often press demand for international assistance. There have been widespread debates in…

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Calcium 3.0

By: Dr. Ameya Tripathi, Associate Editor-ICN Hypocalcemia-Part 1 LUCKNOW: Low calcium level in our body can lead to different problems. As discussed earlier we know that calcium is very important for our day to day functions. But when its level fall below the optimum level its known as deficiency of calcium. This calcium deficiency is known as “Hypocalcemia”. Hypocalcaemia is a potentially life threatening biochemical abnormality that carries risks for serious errors in diagnosis and treatment. Hypocalcaemia is low calcium levels in the blood serum. The normal range is 2.1–2.6 mmol/L…

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Excellence with G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 79 (Align the stream of subjects with chosen career)

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group (In some of the past articles, we knew about some strategies and mindset for preparation of examinations and good practices during & after examinations. Today, we will know how to align the stream of subjects with chosen career.)   ALIGN THE STREAM OF SUBJECTS WITH CHOSEN CAREER NOIDA: These days a lot of confusion prevails in the minds of parents and children regarding choosing the right career and stream in class 11-12. This confusion can be bifurcated in two parts; first…

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Enhance your Lifestyle with NLP+ © Series: Part 42

By: Shantanu Das Sharma, Sr. Associate Editor, ICN Group Quick recap of what we have covered in Part 41 WAY TO REPLICATE ANYONE’S SUCCESS BLUEPRINT Ineffective Memory Strategy Effective Memory Strategy Modeling the Success Blueprint Beliefs of Highly Effective Communicators Beliefs of Successful Entrepreneurs Our Strategies: Our Mental Roadmap KOLKATA: So what is a mental strategy? It is a specific sequence of internal and external experiences we run in our brain in order to produce a specific outcome. It is what a person does in his brain that produces a…

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The Undettered Spirit of Kerala People

By: Klinsa Kurien, Bureau Chief-ICN Kerala It’s raining monsoons in Kerala. Tear shaped raindrops adorn the lovely blue sky. This reminds me of a beautiful nursery rhyme called “I hear thunder, I hear thunder. Hark, don’t you? Hark don’t you? Pitter Patter rain drops, pitter patter drain drops. I’m wet through, so are you”. It is such a pleasant feeling when rain drops touch the dry and moisture less earth and is a welcome feeling for all the people. The other wise parched earth is filled with water so pure that…

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Child Abuse: A Scar Difficult To Heal

By: Barnali Bose, Editor-ICN Group The internet often entraps innocent children in such pornographic virtual cycle. Parental supervision is therefore a must. KOLKATA: To quote the Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their silence in times of moral crisis.” A subject that I was hesitant to write on was Child Abuse. I felt I would not be able to handle a delicate topic as this one. However in the recent times, I find such incidents occuring and recurring yet again. It’s…

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By: Rakesh Lohumi ,Sr. Editor-ICN Group SHIMLA: Hydropower plants and road projects are taking a heavy toll of the ever depleting forest reserves in Himachal Pradesh which is having the lowest green cover among the Himalayan hill states. Being a renewable source of energy hydropower projects are largely considered to be environment friendly but they account for bulk of the forest land diverted for non-forestry use. In fact, hydropower plants and road projects have together gobbled up 80 percent of the 12005 hectare of forests diverted since the enforcement of Forest…

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